Connection RAM usage

How much RAM does a connection use?
By default there are 100 connections in the pool ready to be used. From those 100 connections how much does an unused connection is using?

Hi @Mugurel_Frumuselu,

Please take a look at the following post : Memory allocated per connection - #2 by Stennie_X

By default there are 100 connections in the pool ready to be used. From those 100 connections how much does an unused connection is using?

Regarding your example with the 100 connections, the connections are created as required up to a maximum of 100 (based off your connection pool size example).

You may also find the Connection monitoring and pooling details useful. In addition to this, please check out the How does connection pooling work in PyMongo? documentation as well as this may help.

However, with pymongo (as stated within the docs above):

The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and replaced can be set with maxIdleTimeMS, which defaults to None (no limit).

Hope this helps!


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