Connecting to MongoDB with Compass

Busy with the training M001 I tried to connect to the database sandbox, created in the tutorial, with compass to get a better view.
After enter in te connection part this string:
mongodb+srv:// --apiVersion 1 --username M001-Student
I didn’t get asked about a password and add --passwd “password” does not allow me to login
With mongosh “mongodb+srv://” --apiVersion 1 --username M001-Student I do get the request for a passwd and can access all information

How to solve the login?

Please show screenshot of the exact command you fired.
It should prompt for password

Thank you for reading my post.
I added a screenshot from my connection string.

Which option you used to connect?
If it is Compass the uri string will have userid:pwd embedded in the string.You have to update your password

I succeded to login