Connecting to atlas with wix


with wix, its possible to add an external database (“add external collection”) by entering an endpoint url and configuration to set up an API key. However, I keep getting an “wde0116 no message from connector” error, no matter how i configure the API Key (APIkey, key, api-key al don’t work).

Trying to solve it, in mongodb atlas, i created an API key under Data API, and under user settings I enabled custom user data, set the cluster/collection/database name, and entered the API ID in the user ID field.


i can’t configure it to work; is there anyone who knows how to set a wix <> mongodb connection directly? I can find some tools online (reshuffle-wix-connector for example) but no manuals to do it directly without any other tools or scripts. Seems to me that I’m doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

Hi @Koen_Keunen and welcome to the MongoDB Community forum!!

Unfortunately there is no documentation available from us to connect Wix with MongoDB using the data API.
But, you can refer to the documentation on:

  1. How to connect MongoDB Atlas
  2. How to connect to Data API

Unfortunately I’m not familiar enough with Wix and how they connect to an external database to understand what went wrong with your setup, I would recommend you to visit the wix community forum for more detailed information.

Best Regards

This is going to be similar to how you setup the HTTP connection to Firehose.

Of course not exactly, but similar.

Hi @Koen_Keunen

This documentation from Wix may help you.