Connecting to atlas cluster from bi connector running on my local machine

I’m issuing the following command to start the bi connector on my local machine: .\mongosqld.exe --config mongosqld.conf --schema schema.drdl. I can connect to the database using compass so I know I can get to the cluster.

I’m getting the following error when I execute the command:

unable to load MongoDB information: failed to create admin session for loading server cluster information: unable to execute command: server selection error: context deadline exceeded, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr:, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp: lookup no such host }, ] }

Thanks in advance!!!



  logAppend: false

  path: C:/data/mongosqld.log



  enabled: true




    uri: "mongodb://"


      username: "<databaseuser>"

      password: "<password>"

      source: "admin"


- db: smart_pricing_tool
  - table: PowerBICartReportData
    collection: PowerBICartReportData
    pipeline: []
    - Name: _id
      MongoType: bson.ObjectId
      SqlName: _id
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: answers
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: answers
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: cartId
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: cartId
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: cartItemAdditionalName
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: cartItemAdditionalName
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: cartItemId
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: cartItemId
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: cartName
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: cartName
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: client
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: client
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: createdAt
      MongoType: date
      SqlName: createdAt
      SqlType: timestamp 
    - Name: createdBy
      MongoType: bson.ObjectId
      SqlName: createdBy
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: input
      MongoType: float64
      SqlName: input
      SqlType: numeric      
    - Name: inputType
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: inputType
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: model
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: model
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: questionFullName
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: questionFullName
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: questionPrice
      MongoType: float64
      SqlName: questionPrice
      SqlType: numeric      
    - Name: questionShortName
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: questionShortName
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: questionValue
      MongoType: float64
      SqlName: questionValue
      SqlType: numeric      
    - Name: section
      MongoType: string
      SqlName: section
      SqlType: varchar
    - Name: version
      MongoType: float64
      SqlName: version
      SqlType: numeric

I am also facing the same error …is there any solution for the same issue.