Concerns About Realm and Unity Support Following MongoDB Atlas Deprecation

Today, my app encountered many errors, and I found this information about Atlas being deprecated:

I need to know:

  1. Is Realm support on Unity still available?
  2. Is Realm sync with MongoDB data still working?
  3. Are Realm subscriptions and the RegisterPropertyChanged function still working?"

Hi @Scoz_Auro,

Yes to all three: as stated in the specific page for Device Sync, nothing changes in the functionality (and Support) until the end of September 2025, i.e. for well over another year.

If you need to use Device Sync until then, please use the 12.x releases of the SDK, as the 20.x versions have that functionality removed.

If you’ve reason to believe there’s something not working in your app, feel free to open a Support case.