Comparison error with LIKE but it doesn't have objectIds


I’m new posting in this forum. I hope you can help me, guys. I have this bug about a query. It says that a comparison cannot be done with objectId type, but this schema called people with these attributes slug, platforms, key, value are not objectId type, they are all string type.

I’m using

"react-native": "0.70.6",
"realm": "^11.3.1",

This is the function

const getCollaboratorsByPlatform = (platformName, selectedLocationId) => {
    return getPeoples()
        `roles.slug LIKE "Collaborator" 
        AND roles.platforms LIKE $0
        AND extras.key LIKE "collaborator_registration_data_location_id"
        AND extras.values.value LIKE $1`,
      .sorted('created_at', true);

And this is the schema definition

  "properties": {
    "_id": {
      "bsonType": "objectId"
    "_partitionKey": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "active": {
      "bsonType": "bool"
    "birthdate": {
      "bsonType": "date"
    "country_id": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "created_at": {
      "bsonType": "date"
    "created_by": {
      "bsonType": "objectId"
    "deleted_at": {
      "bsonType": "date"
    "emails": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "type": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "value": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "verified": {
            "bsonType": "bool"
    "externals": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "platform": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "platform_id": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "registered_at": {
            "bsonType": "date"
    "extras": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "key": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "updated_at": {
            "bsonType": "date"
          "values": {
            "bsonType": "array",
            "items": {
              "bsonType": "object",
              "properties": {
                "coll_name": {
                  "bsonType": "string"
                "value": {
                  "bsonType": "string"
                "value_id": {
                  "bsonType": "objectId"
                "value_type": {
                  "bsonType": "string"
    "first_name": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "full_name": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "ids": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "country_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "expiration_at": {
            "bsonType": "date"
          "issued_at": {
            "bsonType": "date"
          "type": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "url": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "value": {
            "bsonType": "string"
    "last_name": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "middle_name": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "nationality_id": {
      "bsonType": "objectId"
    "person_type": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "phones": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "calling_code": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "phone_number": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "type": {
            "bsonType": "string"
          "verified": {
            "bsonType": "bool"
    "relationships": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "person_id": {
            "bsonType": "objectId"
          "type": {
            "bsonType": "string"
    "roles": {
      "bsonType": "array",
      "items": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "platforms": {
            "bsonType": "array",
            "items": {
              "bsonType": "string"
          "slug": {
            "bsonType": "string"
    "second_last_name": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "status": {
      "bsonType": "string"
    "updated_at": {
      "bsonType": "date"
  "required": [
  "title": "people"

I’ll be thankful if anyone can help me with this issue.

What is the type of the selectedLocationId variable? It looks like that is being provided as the value for the $1 placeholder in the query, and based on the name it seems like maybe that’s not a string, which could be the cause of the error.

Thanks a lot. Sometimes the type of selectedLocationId was objectdId and string.

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