I have a service that queries profile data for a given user. Right now there are only two users, myself and my brother, but the results are dreadfully slow. The profile data consists of two collections, performances
and matches
. I have an indexes on both collections that are listed below in the collection models but I could be misusing them.
Performances are queried first, with an operation like this:
const player = { ... }
const performances = await mongo.collection('performances').find({ "player._id": player._id }).toArray()
This query takes about 2 seconds for 330 results out of ~2,500 documents of a few kb in size each. After getting an array of performances I query matches
with an operation like this:
const matches= await mongo.collection('matches').find({ matchId: { $in: performances.map(p => p.matchId) } }).toArray()
This query takes about 1 second per match returned out of ~1,500 documents of approx 2mb in size each. As you can imagine, fetching a hundred or more matches takes several minutes.
Sorry if this is an overload, but the document models are listed below. I’d like to know if I can optimize indexing or data structure to improve performance for this scenario. I’ve tried piping the results to a stream rather than returning the aggregate but did not see any performance increase.
// performances
// indexes: { player._id: 1 }
_id: ObjectId
matchId: string
player: {
_id: ObjectId
username: string
clantag: string
stats: {
kills: number
deaths: number
downs: number[] // max length 8
gulagKills: number
gulagDeaths: number
revives: number
contracts: number
teamWipes: number
lootCrates: number
buyStations: number
teamPlacement: number
teamSurvivalTime: number
xp: {
score: number
match: number
bonus: number
medal: number
misc: number
challenge: number
// matches
// indexes: { matchId: 1 }
_id: ObjectId
matchId: string
mapId: string
modeId: string
utcSecStart: number
utcSecEnd: number
teams: []{ // average array length ~150
placement: number
players: []{
username: string
clantag: string
platform: string
stats: {
Thanks for looking!