Clustered Collection with expireAfterSeconds does not work

Hi ,
On MongoDb 7.0, am trying to create a clustered collection that uses expireAfterSeconds field which should delete records created after 120 seconds.

Below is my code that successfully created the collection:

db.runCommand( {
create: “TrafficLog2”,
clusteredIndex: { “key”: { _id: 1 }, “unique”: true, “name”: “TrafficLog2 clustered key” },
expireAfterSeconds: 120
} )

I am populating this collection with just _id data which is ObjectID type.

However, the records are not being deleted after 120 seconds. What am I doing wrong.
Please advise. If this works I need to put this code to PROD database where we have millions of records. I used TTL before but heard that clustered collection is better.

Ok, I solved this issue myself. I was making a mistake of not have _id as Unique Date field.
Once I populated the _id field with Date data, the TTL feature (expireAfterSeconds) kicked in.