Can't restore to MongoDB Cloud from Ubuntu in Digital Ocean


I have a mongodb in a ubuntu machine in digitalOcean, and I am trying to restore it to MongoDB Cloud cluster. I downloaded the dump locally in my machine(Mac) and was able to restore to the MongoDB Cloud cluster. If I repeat the same process from the Ubuntu machine I does not work.

I am using:
mongorestore --uri mongodb+srv://userd(

I get :

lookup on cannot unmarshal DNS message

I read the recommendations in this forum already, nothing seems to help.


It is hard to help when addresses are redacted to replace part of the cluster name with xxxx.

Because we cannot test if the addresses is legitimate or if the DNS error is.

If you really have xxxx in your cluster name then the DNS error is legitimate because that could not be a valid cluster name.

I also do not recognized the syntax userd(, may be it is a Mac only thing that is able to fetch your credentials based from the http: name you specify. You might try to manually put the credentials in the URI.