Can't generate RealmModel

Hi, I’m trying to generate a new RealmModel.

I put in a simple model and when I run ‘flutter pub run realm generate’ I get the following error:

[SEVERE] Unhandled build failure!
Invalid argument(s): name shouldn’t end with a ‘.’
[SEVERE] Failed after 13.6s
pub finished with exit code 1

Ran on: M1 Macbook | Flutter 3.7.3 | Dart 2.19.2 | realm ^1.0.1
What I’ve done:

  • Restart the terminal
  • Restart the computer
  • Update Flutter and Dart to the latest one (Flutter 3.7.3, Dart 2.19.2)
  • Started new Flutter project and put same car.dart in the project and it generated successfully

Repro Steps

  1. Add the code snippet below (car.dart) to a flutter project
  2. Run flutter pub run realm generate
  3. I get an error `pub finished with exit code 1

Code Snippet

import 'package:realm/realm.dart';

part 'car.g.dart';

class _Car {
  late String make;

  late String model;

  int? kilometers = 500;

we could not reproduce the problem. For example adding this model in this sample we are able to generate the Realm models correctly realm-dart-samples/provider_shopper at main · realm/realm-dart-samples · GitHub

Are you adding this model to a a brand new flutter project or an existing one? In such case it might help if you do run flutter pub run realm generate --clean command first.
If this is a brand new project then could you run flutter pub deps and send the output here so we can see what dependencies this project has?



Thanks for the quick reply. I started eliminating directories and individual files from the project until I found the offending file. It turns out one of the files had two periods in the file name (‘permission_handler…dart’). I never noticed this since the Flutter project still compiles. After taking out one period the RealmModel generated successfully.

I suggest that the Realm generator should account for this.



Hi,you talking about,[quote=“Alvin_Chan, post:3, topic:213646”]
Thanks for the quick reply. I started eliminating directories and individual files from the project until I found the offending file. It turns out one of the files had two periods in the file name (‘permission_handler…dart’).
[/quote].you have to search on google.

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