Can't download MongoDB Community Server

I’m trying to download MongoDB Community Server for Ubuntu 18.04 but the download doesn’t start. Is there any problem with the server?

Welcome to the MongoDB community @Julen_Albizuri!

Can you provide more information on how you are trying to download including the specific MongoDB server version and download url?

From your description it sounds like you are trying to use the MongoDB Download Center, which does not have any known issues at the moment. If you happen to be using ad blocker software, you should try disabling this temporarily in case it is interfering with the download.

FYI: the recommended installation approach for Linux is using a package manager as per the Install MongoDB on Ubuntu tutorial.


Thank you for the reply!
I’m using MongoDB Download Center and trying to download version 4.2.5 for Ubuntu 18.04 Linux x64 the package Server. If I click the download button it doesn’t start, and if I use the URL ( that appears at the bottom of the form, it responses 404 Not Found. But the way, I’ve already installed from tutorial you provided me.

Kindest regards,

Hi Julen,

Apologies for the inconvenience. It looks like the MongoDB 4.2.5 packages are currently in the process of being released and links have appeared in the download centre before packages for all platforms have been published.

Our release engineering team is working on correcting this issue.


Hi Julen,

Quick update: the download issue should be resolved now.


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