Can't connect Compass to a database

What I’m trying to achieve is enable the MongoDB BI Connector on the server and query to it from my laptop’s 64 BIT ODBC DSN. However since there’s no schema found I wanted to use MongoDB Compass to have a look. For simplicity sake there’s a dummy and admin account.

I’m using Robo T3 with the dummy account to view data and this is working. Using the same account of Compass gives me insufficient access. Not all functions are allowed on dummy.

When we login with admin on Compass we do see all our databases but the collections are empty. There’s no other accounts that we are aware of that work. We’ve also made a ticket at the vendor as this was setup a long time ago and in the future will get upgraded. Currently we’re running MongoDB 3.4.4 and I have to downgrade to a November 2016 Compass version to get this to connect.

Any insight in how to connect Power BI or the likes to this database? We’re a bit stuck here and can’t find a solution.