Cannot update the document - Performing an update on the path '_id' would modify the immutable field '_id'

I am totally new to Mongo and trying to fix an issue on UpdateOne. Our environment is C#.
Another team built this and then made an update and now UpdateOne is failing with error

A write operation resulted in an error. WriteError: { Category : "Uncategorized", Code : 66, Message : "Performing an update on the path '_id' would modify the immutable field '_id'" }
  • I can see _id in the documents.
  • _id is not pulled as you can see in the below code “FindByName”. A projection is being used to exclude the _id so i don’t have this.
  • When updating i get into an error as above
  • I don’t want to remove the current item and then insert as new as suggested by some of the response i have found online

Here are the the main pieces of the code. How can “Update” method be modified so that above error doesn’t happen any more.?

 public class MongoDocumentRepository<T> : IEntityRepository<T> where T : class, new()
	readonly EntityEndpointOptions _options;
	protected string Created_On = "CreatedOn";
    protected string Updated_On = "UpdatedOn";
	protected string MetaDataName = "Name";
	protected ProjectionDefinition<T>? projectionItem = null;
	protected string DocumentName = "";
	public MongoDocumentRepository(IOptions<EntityEndpointOptions> options)
		_options = options.Value;  
		this.DocumentName = GetDocumentName();
		projectionItem = Builders<T>.Projection.Exclude("_id").Exclude("DocumentName");
	private string GetDocumentName()
		var entityInstance = new T();

		if(entityInstance is IDbEntityMap map)
			return map.DocumentName;
		return null;
	private IMongoDatabase CurrentStorage
			return provider.GetDatabase(this.Storage);

	private IMongoCollection<T> CurrentDocument
			if (!Exist())
			return CurrentStorage.GetCollection<T>(this.DocumentName);
	private bool Exist()
		var condition = new BsonDocument("name", this.DocumentName);
		var collections = this.CurrentStorage.ListCollections(new ListCollectionsOptions { Filter = condition });
		return collections.Any();
	public string GetPropertyValue(T entity, string propertyName)
		keyValue = entity.GetPropertyValue(propertyName);
		return keyValue;
	public T SetPropertyValue(T entity, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
		entity.SetPropertyValue(propertyName, propertyValue);
		return entity;
	public T FindByName<T1>(T1 nameValue)
		var condition = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(this.MetaDataName, nameValue);
		return this.CurrentDocument.Find(condition).Project<T>(projectionItem).FirstOrDefault();
	public void Create(T entity)
		SetPropertyValue(entity, this.Created_On, DateTime.UtcNow);
		SetPropertyValue(entity, this.Updated_On, DateTime.UtcNow);
	public void Update(T entity)
		var myKeyValue = GetPropertyValue(entity, this.MetaDataName);
        var condition = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(this.MetaDataName, myKeyValue);
		UpdateDefinition<T> updatedItem = null;
        UpdateDefinitionBuilder<T> builder = new UpdateDefinitionBuilder<T>();
		var properties = entity.GetType().GetProperties().Where(x => !x.GetGetMethod().IsStatic);
		foreach (var property in properties)
			var name = property.Name;
			var value = property.GetValue(entity);
			if (name.Equals(this.Updated_On, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || name.Equals(this.Created_On, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || name.Equals("CreatedBy", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

			if (updatedItem == null)
				updatedItem = updatedItem.Set(this.Updated_On, DateTime.UtcNow);
			updatedItem = updatedItem.Set(name, value);
		this.CurrentDocument.UpdateOne(condition, updatedItem);