Calculated fields

Hello everyone.

I need some advice how to proceed with this problem, scenario:
Collection of users (I prepared pseudo-materialized view with other required properties), they will have quite a few other clauses but the most important ones are date range filters, and now based on that date range I need to calculate users availability (calculation is based on 3 other collections, I can put them into the materialized view as well, not a lot of data).

Is it possible to calculate some values before executing $search stage itself? For example some $addFields so I can do my calculation in the code? Or maybe there is a better way to achieve that?

Thanks in advance for all of the tips!

Hi @Michal_Janocha :slight_smile:

Is it possible to calculate some values before executing $search stage itself? For example some $addFields so I can do my calculation in the code? Or maybe there is a better way to achieve that?

The $search stage must be the first stage the pipeline so the exampling adding $addFields prior to that will most likely result in an error. I’m just wondering if you are trying to execute this operation in a singular operation? Have you thought about performing the calculation client side and then providing these values to the $search stage?

To help better understand the context of the question, would you be able to provide some details / sample documents and expected output?


Hello @Jason_Tran,

Thank you for the response! The part where you are saying about providing calculated values to $search stage looks very promising, how can I achieve that?

Anyway I went with pre-calculated values in the search model so it already contains calculated values, the only drawback of this solution is that I have quite large array of objects in each document (~3000), at this moment it doesn’t affect performance but I am not sure if this is a proper solution.

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "628b81d159a887d838e37944"
  "firstName": "User",
  "lastName": "Example",
  "email": "",
  "photoURL": "",
  "skills": [{...}],
  "certificates": [{...}],
  "languages": [{...}],
  "availability": [
      allocatedHours: Double,
      day: Date,
      maxHours: Double,
      availableHours: Double,
      availablePercent: Double
  ] <= this array grew to 3k documents because I need daily granularity and I am storing availability up to 10 years

Apologies here, what I had meant was pre-calculating the fields (outside of the database) and then providing those to the $search stage which is what you have done currently based off your most recent reply.

Anyway I went with pre-calculated values in the search model so it already contains calculated values, the only drawback of this solution is that I have quite large array of objects in each document (~3000), at this moment it doesn’t affect performance but I am not sure if this is a proper solution.

Just to clarify, do you mean each individual document output from the $search stage has approximately ~3000 (and/or more) documents inside the availability array field?


I guess my current solution does not work as you expect, at this moment I am not providing anything external to my $search stage, everything comes from materialized view which was built totally out of $search.

Just to clarify, do you mean each individual document output from the $search stage has approximately ~3000 (and/or more) documents inside the availability array field?

No, I guess it would totally kill networking between db => backend => frontend. But my input documents (the ones in materialized view) indeed contains ~3000 documents in availability array. After searching on them but before returning results I am using projection with $filter to reduce amount of documents inside this array, you can see that solution below.

  "$addFields" : {
  "availability" : {
    "$filter" : {
      "input" : "$availability",
        "as" : "item",
        "cond" : {
          "$and" : [
            { "$lte" : [ "$$", ISODate('2022-11-30') ] },
            { "$gte" : [ "$$", ISODate('2022-08-01') ] }