As of MongoDB C# driver version 2.10, there is no strong typed definition for $addFields aggregation pipeline stage. However you can still construct BsonDocument to build a pipeline definition stage. For example:
var pipeline = new BsonDocumentStagePipelineDefinition<BsonDocument, BsonDocument>(
new[] {
new BsonDocument{{"$addFields",
new BsonDocument{{"NextValue",
new BsonDocument{{ "$sum", new BsonArray().Add("$seq").Add(1) } }
new BsonDocument{{"$addFields",
new BsonDocument{{"Obj",
new BsonDocument("name", "hi2").Add("val", "$NextValue")
var updateDefinition = new PipelineUpdateDefinition<BsonDocument>(pipeline);
var result = collection.UpdateOne(new BsonDocument{}, updateDefinition);
What you see in the release change is likely related to CSHARP-2570, which is to support aggregation pipeline definition on an update operation.
In addition, without knowing more the context of you aggregation pipeline, you may be able to replace $sum with $inc. As it looks like you’re just incrementing the value by one.