C# for Mongo Nested inner query


How do I write C# code to retrieve only items where SID=100 for the input below?
Also, the C# output should preserve the input format.
This is for MongoDB 4.

[ { _id: 123456, Continent: { Country: [ [ US, { State: [ [ 100, { Product: Corn, SID: 100 } ], [ 200, { Product: Maze, SID: 200 } ], [ 100, { Product: Corn-HB, SID: 100 } ] ], } ] ] } } ]

So the retrieved output should look like this:
[ { _id: 123456, Continent: { Country: [ [ US, { State: [ [ 100, { Product: Corn, SID: 100 } ], [ 100, { Product: Corn-HB, SID: 100 } ] ], } ] ] } } ]

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