C# Driver Linq3 - Convert(EnumA, EnumB) not supported

Hello everyone,

I got the following error while trying to map my domain classes to dto’s using Automapper on a mongoDbQueryable.

Expression not supported: Convert(EnumA, EnumB) because conversion to EnumB is not supported.",

I use EnumRepresentationConvention(BsonType.String)

Does anyone know, how to correctly map enums using the LINQ 3 translator?

Reproduce Steps:

public class Foo(
    Guid id,
    Bar bar);

public enum Bar

public class FooDto(
    Guid id,
    BarDto bar);

public enum BarDto
public class MappingProfile : Profile
    public MappingProfile()
        CreateMap<Foo, FooDto>();
        CreateMap<Bar, BarDto>().ConvertUsing(src => (BarDto)src); // Also tried Enum.Parse
var queryable = repo.GetAll();
var dtoQueryable = queryable.ProjectTo<AngebotDto>(_mapper.ConfigurationProvider)