Best way to store lists related to user

Hi, what is the best way to store lists (like music plyalists or favorites movies) related to an existing user, I think about 2 options:

  1. Separate collection to store the lists:
       db.listCollection = {
               idList: 1, 
               name: "X", 
               movies: [idMovie1, idMovie2] , 
               idUser: 12 
      db.UserCollection = {
             idUser: 1, 
             username: "jane doe", 
             pwd: "encrypted",
             lists: [idList12, idList2]
  1. In the user document:
db.userCollection = { 
             idUser: 1, 
             username: "jane doe", 
             pwd: "encrypted", 
             lists: [ 
                {  idList: 12,   name: "X",   movies: [id1, id2...]   } ,
                {  idList: 13,   name: "XZ",   movies: [id1, id3...]   } 

I went for the second option but manage the movies inside the lists is a bit confusing, especially when trying to remove a movie from specific list. If the answer is option 2 can you help me to remove movies from the list, I know i need an aggregation pipeline (im new workig with aggregations) ,
here it is mine

{  $match: {   "lists._id":  12 }   },
                    $project: {
                        lists: {
                                $filter: {
                                 input: '$lists',
                                as: 'list',
                                cond: { $eq: ['$$list._id', 12] }