BadClientFileIdent Error client file not found. The server has forgotten about the client-side file presented by the client. This is likely due to using a synchronized realm after terminating and re-enabling sync. Please wipe the file on the client

I use the Java SDK in Android Studio with an Android App in development for Realm to connect to my Realm App. I am trying to set up the schemas for my collections but it keeps failing. Now I always get the error “client file not found. The server has forgotten about the client-side file presented by the client. This is likely due to using a synchronized realm after terminating and re-enabling sync. Please wipe the file on the client to resume synchronization”. But I can’t find those files. I feel like I searched the whole internet. Please, can someone finally tell me where this file is I have to wipe to resume synchronization? I have an defaultSyncErrorHandler and all the other stuff already. I just need to know where this file is located so I can delete it.

Hi, the next time that you reconnect you should client-reset and everything should just work? Is this not happening for you / can you send a link to your application (the URL in the cloud ui)

Looks like this: