Automatic Client Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE) Restricts Operations On Unencrypted Collections

My database contains 3 collections: “patients”, “therapists”, “subscriptions”.

I’ve configured CSFLE on the db connection, providing a json schema which defines field level encryption only on the ‘name’ and ‘email’ fields in the ‘patients’ collection.

The field level encryption / decryption on the ‘patients’ collection works as expected.

However, now an unrelated aggregation query fails with “MongoError: Pipeline over an encrypted collection cannot reference additional collections.”

This error occurs when executing an aggregation query on the ‘therapists’ collection, which includes a $lookup from the ‘subscriptions’ collection (not “over an encrypted collection” as the error suggests).

Neither ‘therapists’ nor ‘subscriptions’ are defined in the CSFLE json schema, and are not encrypted.
I don’t understand why should this $lookup on unencrypted collections, lead to an error.
According to the documentation

Automatic client-side field level encryption supports the $lookup and
$graphLookup only if the from collection matches the collection on
which the aggregation runs against (i.e. self-lookup operations).

While the limitation may be acceptable when dealing with the ‘patients’ collection, I don’t think it is acceptable when dealing with other, non CSFLE, collections.

I know that I can create 2 separate MongoClient instances, one with CSFLE enabled, and one without, and use the non CSFLE client for the $lookup, but this would introduce extra complexity, and it doesn’t seem like a clean and reasonable solution to me.

BTW, I’m using mongoose, but the behaviour is the same when using mongodb directly.

Would you say this is a bug with mongodb?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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That sounds like a bug - I’ve filed a ticket in our Jira bug tracking and the team will look at it.


Thank you very much Asya!

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