Autocomplete search with tokenOrder sequential

I have defined a autocomplete index like

  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": false,
    "fields": {
      "production": {
        "fields": {
          "title": {
            "analyzer": "lucene.danish",
            "type": "autocomplete"
        "type": "document"

For matches that match 100% for the title field it works if you use the default tokenOrder=any. But if i search with tokenOrder=sequential i don’t get any match at all.

eg. production.title is ‘XWZ hello’ and i search for ‘XWZ hello’ documents are returned with tokenOrder=any, but for tokenOrder.sequential nothing is returned.

The reason for going with sequential is that it performes much better.

Is there anything I have missed ?

Forgot to mention, that if the production.title contains more than the characters than the exact match for example ‘XWZ hello there’ you will get an result for tokenOrder=sequential