Atlas Search in C# application using MongoDB Driver Extension

In order to use atlas search in C# application I must refer to the MongoDB.Labs.Search library which is currently in beta state. Any idea when will it be released?

Hi @Prajakta_Sawant1, You can use that library or the standard aggregation pipeline. Some people use a mixture of the two. A

Are there particular features you would like to see?

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Thank you @Marcus for replying.

I am not sure if I can use aggregation pipeline while querying through C# application. I have an e-commerce website with search functionality developed in C#. This search feature fetches the data from MongDB collection on which I have created text index using MongoDB Atlas. Now in order to use features like Score, Synonyms, fuzzy maxEdits, AutoComplete, etc. and query atlas search index using C# code I must refer to the MongoDB.Labs.Search library, which turns out to be in beta state. I need to know if this library extension will be released soon. Please refer to GitHub - mongodb-labs/mongo-csharp-search: C# driver extension providing support for Atlas Search

P. S. - Apologies for lengthy message.

I will check with the creator and report back.

@Prajakta_Sawant1 I have some great news. It will be GA within the next month! :slight_smile:

Awesome! Me and my team is really happy to hear this. :smiley:

Thank you so much @Marcus for checking on this. Appreciate it.

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