Assigning a field value to another field in a document

I have created a mongodb collection in python django.The collection name is audit_details and it consists of following data



now,i want the new_data value to be assigned to “old_data” and the “new_data” will take the “updated_time” value taken from API post request(I am using django restframework and the data i am sending as post request is {“action”:“modify”,“user”:"sandeep,“updated_time”:“2022-08-26 16:26:00”})

i want the output to be like below

old_data:migration was scheduled at 2022-08-30T17:58:18.551+00:00
new_data:migration now scheduled at "2022-08-26 16:26:00"

I have tried the following:

    audit_details.update_many({ "user": "sandeep" },
     "$currentDate": {
        "last_modified": True,
     "$set": {
        "status": "modified",
         "old_data": {"$concat":["Migration Task was scheduled at ", "$new_data"]},
         "new_data" : {"$concat": ["Migration Task now scheduled at ",['updated_time']]}




my output is like below,which is not correct:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "630e026211cb34947c85a7a5"
  "user": "sandeep",
  "status": "modified",
  "old_data": {
    "$concat": [
      "Migration Task for",
  "new_data": {
    "$concat": [
      "Migration Task for",
      "2022-08-26 16:26:00"
  "last_modified": {
    "$date": {
      "$numberLong": "1661917054163"

Hi @sai_sankalp and welcome to the community!!

I believe it’s possible to achieve what you need by using the aggregation pipeline as the update operator using update_one, update_many, or find_one_and_update. This feature was added in MongoDB 4.2.

Note that newValue is a list instead of a dictionary, which signifies that this is an aggregation pipeline instead of a simple update document.

Please refer to the documentation for parameters of update query. which explains the same.

As an example, using pymongo:
The query created a filter and the newValue basically contains the aggregation stage which sets the updated values.

filter = { "user": "sandeep" }

newValue = [ { "$set":{"old_data":'$new_data', "new_data":, "status": "modified"} } ]

collection.update_one(filter, newValue)

The output for the above query would look like:

for record in cursor:
   print (record)
{'_id': ObjectId('631982b43831f60dfdcaaee3'), 'user': 'sandeep', 'status': 'modified', 'old_data': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 8, 11, 19, 19, 356000), 'new_data': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 8, 11, 55, 0, 291000)}

{'_id': ObjectId('631982c13831f60dfdcaaee4'), 'user': 'akhil', 'status': None, 'old_data': None, 'new_data': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 8, 11, 19, 37, 149000)}

One suggestion I would like to make from the example you posted is that you might want to rethink the use of a string combined with date datatypes in your new_data and old_data fields. If these two fields are supposed to describe dates, I would recommend you to keep the date datatype, which will make it easier to manipulate in the future.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards

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Hi @Aasawari
Thanks for the detailed explanation. It was really helpful

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