Aggregation: Return just objects which contains maximum 5 elements cumulated in different arrays

Hi everybody.

I have a classRoom Object, which stores under desks fields multiple desk objects. This desk object, part of desks array mentioned above, has the the following structure:

desk[0] = 
{ value: {
   .... other fields,
   students: Array of `student` object

I want to mention that students: array {_id: string (not ObjectId), name: string}
I want to achieve the following:
Return just those classRooms that has a total of students that is LESS than 5.

Do you have any suggestions for that ?
Thank you very much !

Hi @Teodor_Aspataritei and welcome to the MongoDB community forum!!

It would be helpful in understanding and replicating in local environment, if you could share the following information

  1. A sample document from the collection
  2. The desired output example for the aggregation query.
  3. The aggregation query you have tried.
  4. The MongoDB version you are using.

Best Regards

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Guys here is the solution that I created and it works !

Sharing in case anyone else needs it.

    '$unwind': {
      'path': '$desks'
  }, {
    '$match': {
      'desks.value.students': {
        '$type': 'array'
  }, {
    '$addFields': {
      'totalStudents': {
        '$sum': {
          '$size': '$desks.value.students'
  }, {
    '$match': {
      'totalStudents': {
        '$lt': 5
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