Aggregation and projection help

Hi, I am new to MongoDB aggregation. I am trying to solve one issue relating multiple collections where I have to generate a collaborative view of user orders.

Please see Mongo playground which contains the dataset I am using for the problem.

Input Dataset

  orders: [
      _id: ObjectId("65fee31937b6938d0107afe9"),
      products: [
          _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe3"),
          qty: 20
          _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe4"),
          qty: 2
      uid: ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe1")
      _id: ObjectId("65fee31937b6938d0107afea"),
      products: [
          _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe2"),
          qty: 4
          _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe4"),
          qty: 1
      uid: ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe0")
  users: [
      _id: ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe0"),
      name: "User 1",
      address: "Address 1"
      _id: ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe1"),
      name: "User 2",
      address: "Address 2"
  products: [
      _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe2"),
      name: "Product 1"
      _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe3"),
      name: "Product 2"
      _id: ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe4"),
      name: "Product 3"

I am looking for an output as below:

      "_id": ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe0"),
      "address": "Address 1",
      "name": "User 1",
      "orders": [
          "_id": ObjectId("65fee31937b6938d0107afea"),
          "products": [
              "_id": ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe2"),
              "name": "Product 1",
              "qty": 4
              "_id": ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe4"),
              "name": "Product 3",
              "qty": 1
          "uid": ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe0")
      "_id": ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe1"),
      "address": "Address 2",
      "name": "User 2",
      "orders": [
          "_id": ObjectId("65fee31937b6938d0107afe9"),
          "products": [
              "_id": ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe3"),
              "name": "Product 2",
              "qty": 20
              "_id": ObjectId("65fee0f137b6938d0107afe4"),
              "name": "Product 3",
              "qty": 2
          "uid": ObjectId("65fee0b337b6938d0107afe1")

Hi Neeraj,

If you need the exact structure which you mentioned there are several ways to achieve this by using combinations of ($group and $unwind) or ($addFields and $mergeObjects). I am sharing a solution which uses $addFields and $mergeObjects - Mongo playground

Hope this solves your problem.

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Thanks @Akshat_Gupta3 for the quick reply and solution, this is exactly what I was looking for.

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Hi @Akshat_Gupta3, one quick query I have around calculating the total price per item for orders. Let’s say per product price is stored in products collection, how do I go about creating a new field (total) in output orders array which will be product of qty(stored in orders collection) and price(stored in products collection) for individual products?

For now, I have worked it out like this Mongo playground. Is there a different optimized way of achieving it?

You do not need to run the whole mapping again, instead you can do this - Mongo playground

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Thanks once again @Akshat_Gupta3 , can you point me to a good aggregation learning resource if you know of any?

Mongo University is typically good:



Thank you @John_Sewell

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