Aggregate slow on $match $expr $in

I’m having performance issue on a big aggregation query with multiple $lookup to retrieve data between different collections.
Trying to investigate I’ve found that one of the slower stages is using a $match - $expr - $in on a indexed field, but trying to isolate and analyze that stage with explain it result a COLLSCAN and not an IXSCAN.

The stage is something like:

        '$lookup': {
            from: 'othercollection',
            let: {
                inputarray: '$inputarray'
            pipeline: [{
                    '$match': {
                        '$expr': {
                            '$in': ['$_id', '$$inputarray']

I’ve found this old issue, trying to found a solution over here is the situation still the same on 4.4 ?

If an index cannot be used, do you have any suggestion of how to transform the query?


Is there a reason for you to use expressive lookup here with $expr? Since you are doing equality you can just use regular $lookup with localField set to "inputarray".


Actually it was because in expressive lookup I had other conditions in pipeline after match

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Ok, but when trying to debug performance it helps to provide the full pipeline you need to run.

Note that in 5.0 you can use simple localField/foreignField $lookup and specify additional pipeline stages for the $lookup. But even if you’re in 4.x depending on the full pipeline it might be significantly faster to rewrite it so that it can use an index for $lookup. If you provide more details, we can probably help.



You are right, my fault was that I’ve focused on that part because seems to be the one affected and I’ve tried to provide a simplified sample of my situation, also because the full aggregation is 500+ lines of code.

Thanks to notify me the new additional pipeline of 5.0, I’ve tried it on a test environment and it seems to solve with very simple rewrite: I’ve to verify the impact of the Mongo upgrade on production env.

In the meantime I can say that I have four $lookup stage in my aggregation, two of them are of the mentioned type and for one should be simple to find a rewrite because after match there is only a $project, the other one has also three other linked lookup inside the pipeline: following this entire stage as it is, I don’t know if it’s clear enough, let me know your comments/doubts

  '$lookup': {
    from: 'activities',
    'let': {
      tagUids: {
        $concatArrays: [
    pipeline: [
        $match: {
          $expr: {
            $and: [
                $in: [
                $or: [
                    $eq: [
                    $eq: [
                        $type: '$belongsTo',
                $ne: [
                  '$userId', 'public',
        $lookup: {
          from: 'actions',
          localField: 'actionId',
          foreignField: '_id',
          as: 'action',
        $unwind: '$action',
        $lookup: {
          from: 'usersproperties',
          localField: 'userId',
          foreignField: 'auth0Id',
          as: 'user',
        $unwind: {
          path: '$user',
          preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        $lookup: {
          from: 'tags',
          localField: 'tagUid',
          foreignField: 'uid',
          as: 'tag',
        $unwind: {
          path: '$tag',
          preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        $project: {
          '': 1,
          activityId: {
            $toString: '$_id',
          _id: 0,
          validationPassed: 1,
          tagUid: 1,
          '': 1,
          date: '$creationDate',
          _type_: 'tagActivity',
          'priority': '0',
          destinationProperties: 1,
    as: 'TagsActivityResults',
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If you have that many $lookup stages, that suggests that maybe your schema isn’t a good match to MongoDB strengths…

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Generally speaking and looking only at this pipeline I agree of course with you, but watching the entire application area I swear it’s not so bad as it seems.

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