I’ve an array of objects and i need to add these objects to DB, in case the object doesn’t exist in collection otherwise update it if it’s already exist
You can do it with upsert
config in update
I’ve array of objects and i need to update the document if it’s exist in the array or push it if it’s not.
I have this array: [
{key: 1, name: ‘s’},
{key: 2, name: ‘n’},
{key: 3, name: ‘r’}
db collection documents:
{key: 1, name: ‘s’}, {key: 2, name: ‘t’}
i need the result to be like this in collection:
{key: 1, name: ‘s’}, {key: 2, name: ‘n’}, {key: 3, name: ‘r’}
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