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Top 5 MongoDB Podcast Episodes in 2022 (so far)

At MongoDB, one of our core values is to be focused on building together. One way we lean into this value is by bringing some of the best voices and stories from the database and tech communities onto our podcast. Podcasts help communities learn and connect. So as we head toward the end of the year, let’s take a look back—or, perhaps, a listen back—to our top episodes based on listens from The MongoDB Podcast so far in 2022. Episode 107 - Introduction to WiredTiger with Dr. Michael Cahill Dr. Michael Cahill co-founded the WiredTiger company and the storage engine by the same name. In our most-listened to episode from 2022 so far, Dr. Cahill sits down with Michael to talk about the storage engine, its strengths and capabilities, and a little about his journey as a database industry legend. Episode 108 - Exploring Postman with Arlemi Turpault In this episode of the MongoDB Podcast, Michael Lynn discusses Postman with Arlemi Turpault, Senior Developer Advocate at Postman. Postman is an application used for API testing. It is an HTTP client that tests HTTP requests, utilizing a graphical user interface through which we obtain different types of responses that need to be validated. Episode 109 - Prisma and MongoDB - Better Together Prisma is an open source ORM for Node.js and TypeScript that helps developers build faster and make fewer errors. On this episode, host Mike Lynn sits down with Nikolas Burk and Matt Miller of the Prisma team to discuss the Prisma + MongoDB launch week. Burk is a Developer Advocate and Miller is a Product Manager at Prisma, and together they outline what Prisma is now capable of with MongoDB support, including effects on developer workflows and efficiency. Episode 106 - Securing the Internet with Josh Aas, Sarah Gran of ISRG In this episode of the podcast, Michael talks with Josh Aas and Sarah Gran of the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). They walk listeners through their mission to secure the internet through projects like Let's Encrypt , the automated digital certificate authority, and Prossimo , which focuses on transforming risks around memory safety in popular open source projects. MongoDB World Series Our number five blog so far in 2022 was a preview of MongoDB World. But why listen to a preview when you can dive into the actual event? Live at MongoDB World 2022, host Michael Lynn met with a variety of customers, partners, and experts on-site in New York City. Those conversations formed a great series filled with stories, learning and community. Check out the series episodes: Ep. 121 The MongoDB World Series - Oli Proulx from ChargeHub Ep. 120 The MongoDB World Series - Simcha Coleman from Inspirit Ep. 119 The MongoDB World Series - David Sarabia from inRecovery Ep. 118 The MongoDB World Series - Nick Gamble from Unqork Ep. 117 The MongoDB World Series - Beray Bentesen from Qubitro Ep. 116 The MongoDB World Series - Vatsal Singhal from Ultrahuman Subscribe to The MongoDB Podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts so you can stay up to date with all our new episodes, dropping weekly. And if you are a tech expert or enthusiast with a passion for sharing your thoughts, opinions, and stories, connect with Michael Lynn to discuss a podcast guest opportunity.

September 30, 2022

4 Reasons Why Your Tech Company Should Launch a Podcast

Podcasts, originally known as audioblogs, are a relatively new content format. The first podcast didn’t launch until some time around 2004, so it makes sense that many organizations have not, historically, considered podcasting to be a top priority. Now there are podcasts centered around almost any topic. From true crime to comedy, financial and pop culture, podcasts are quickly becoming one of the most popular mediums for learning and entertainment consumption, with 177 million listeners in 2022 . As the producer of the MongoDB podcast , I spend a majority of my time thinking about what folks in the database world want to know more about. I have had the privilege of meeting some incredible people in the tech community and have witnessed the impact a podcast can have. There are many reasons why your tech company should consider developing a podcast; let’s look at my top four. Your podcast audience already exist As a tech organization, you likely already know who you want to reach. Your audience is waiting for you to deliver more content, more learning and storytelling experiences. If you are aiming to reach developers or technical leaders and thinkers, podcasting is an ideal way to achieve this goal. LinkedIn research shows that tech professionals engage with content that helps their skill development, that is relevant to their industry, and they enjoy hearing from influencers. Podcasts meet all three of these preferences. Tech podcasts revolve around tech-based stories or news, are relevant to others in the field, and many podcast episodes include a guest speaker to inform and influence listeners. Another key driver of podcast success is its more relaxed and natural tone. Podcasts are conversational, and 8 out of 10 tech professionals say they interact more with quality information that is not “overloaded with jargon”. Podcasts help you reach your communities and increase reach easily and effectively. Your audience is out there waiting for your expert thoughts to hit their airwaves. Podcasts are flexible One perk of a podcast is in its convenience and its flexibility. Podcasts meet people where they are–literally, anywhere they are. Listeners have a lot of flexibility with podcasting. They can listen as they work, exercise, or commute. They can start, stop, pause, and continue at the touch of a button. Podcasts give you the ability to transform existing, well-performing content into a new format. People learn differently, and 30% of people are more auditory learners. Repurposing written content into a podcast format gives you the ability to reach new members of your audience and allows for expansion on the topic that may not already exist in the written format. Your organization is ripe with experts, partners, customers, stories, and content in other formats. Add sound to those ideas with a podcast. Conversely, recording a podcast on video provides both an audio-only and a video asset. Further, transcripts from the episode can be reworked into a blog or infographic on the same topic. And using the podcast recording as a subject-matter expert interview allows you to write additional content around the same topics of conversation within the episode. Moreover, listening to podcasts doesn’t feel like a chore or work. Podcasts blur the line between learning (in this case, about technology and your product or service) and entertainment, making listeners less resistant to your message. Podcasts let your community connect with industry leaders Ideally, you want your organization and its technical experts to be vocal, to be constantly sharing their opinions, thoughts, and discoveries. Podcasts are a great way to amplify your subject-matter expert voices and position your organization as a go-to place for learning and guidance. But it’s not just your own in-house experts that you can showcase; podcasts are also a platform to connect with other industry leaders and bring more diverse perspectives to the show. Podcasts can also help leaders who are more comfortable as speakers than writers; they can take part in the development of content easily and with little preparation. Your organization likely has a treasure trove of compelling stories and ideas, all living within the minds of your leaders. Hearing leaders and industry thinkers on your organization’s podcast helps to maximize a culture of excellence, inspiring others also to take part or suggest new topics or guests. Podcasting helps grow your community Podcast audiences are some of the most engaged audiences today. Research has found that 80% of listeners finish the entire episode each time and listen to an average of 7 shows per week . Podcasts have also been found to create more loyalty, making them 20% more likely to follow your organization on social media. This level of engagement leads to a community built around common interests and ideas, even to the point of mobilizing audiences. For example, Manoush Zomorodi , host of WNYC podcast Note to Self , encouraged her listeners to join a challenge to detach themselves from technology and focus on creative projects. More than 20,000 listeners engaged in the challenge . When people with common ground come together, they are more likely to engage, react, and even donate to keep that community alive. Marc Maron , host of the WTF podcast , says that 10% of his audience pays up to $8.99 monthly to support the podcast. Over the years, I’ve found that community engagement comes from responsiveness and interaction across several channels. I regularly engage with listeners to encourage feedback and respond to comments on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, in our community forums, and even at live events.This sense of community deepens the appreciation I have—and that I hope my listeners have—in our jobs and the technology industry overall. Want to be a guest on The MongoDB Podcast? I will be live at AWS re:Invent 2022 in Las Vegas. Reach out to me if you have a great story idea and would like to take part in an in-person recording. Swing by the MongoDB booth, or, be sure to see me delivering the keynote demonstration on day one of the event! If you haven’t tuned into The MongoDB Podcast yet, you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , or wherever you find your podcasts.

September 28, 2022

Deno x MongoDB: Check Out Our Latest Podcast

Used by the likes of Netflix, Uber, and PayPal, Node.js is one of today’s hottest technologies. Its versatility, scalability, and event-handling abilities quickly earned applause (and heavy use) from developers worldwide. Created by Ryan Dahl in 2008, Node.js solves several problems simultaneously. It enables programmers to use Javascript on the backend and the frontend, removing the need for workarounds. Additionally, its single-threaded architecture allows for a lightweight, rapid framework that can easily handle real-time events — critical for any app in an increasingly connected world. Recently, Dahl released Deno, another Javascript-based framework that improves on Node.js in areas like speed, efficiency, ease of use, testing, and packaging. Intrigued by this promising new product, Michael Lynn, Principal Developer Advocate at MongoDB, sat down with Jesse Hall, Senior Developer Advocate at MongoDB, to talk all things Deno, including strengths, structure, scenarios for use, and much more. Below are some highlights from their discussion. To listen to the full episode, check out the MongoDB Podcast here . The successor to Node.js Michael starts off the podcast with the question we’ve all been waiting for: What’s so special about Deno? After all, Deno is a runtime for Javascript and Typescript — similar to Node.js, at least superficially. “Why would we want to use Deno over a standard Node.js implementation?” Michael asks. “By default it’s secure,” Jesse replies, especially in contrast to Node.js. “That is one of the big selling factors, because you have to specifically tell it to open your network in order to allow access to read or write files.” In essence, Jesse explains, Deno is “set up to be the successor to Node.js.” As such, it includes a number of helpful features and attributes, such as blazing-fast speed (thanks to its Rust-based architecture), support for ES modules, and built-in asynchronous functions (removing the need to create your own). Better package handling = increased efficiency Deno also streamlines the development process in various ways — particularly when it concerns packages. Unlike Node, which requires a NPM package manager, Deno simply “downloads [packages] globally and caches them,” Jesse says, removing the need for a Node modules folder in your project. Because Deno pulls packages in through URLs, this removes the bloat associated with having a Node modules folder in a project. Michael wants to know if this affects development negatively — especially when it comes to offline development. Even if the files are located locally, surely Deno must require some sort of cached folder or module structure? That’s not necessarily the case, Jesse replies. “You do have a local cache of those modules, and when you actually import them in the URL string, you can specify what version (if you wanted a different version).” Deno x MongoDB Of course, given that both Michael and Jesse work at MongoDB, the million-dollar question remains: compatibility. “What does the support for MongoDB look like in Deno?” Michael asks. For now, Jesse explains, support comes in the form of third-party, community-supported modules only — specifically a Deno module called Mongo, easily accessible through the Deno website. As an alternative, Jesse suggests the MongoDB Atlas Data API , “which will allow you to bring your MongoDB data into basically anything, because it doesn’t require drivers at all.” And much more... For more detail, listen to the full podcast here . For a detailed walkthrough on using the Atlas Data API to import your MongoDB data into Deno, check out Jesse’s article here .

February 17, 2022