Customer Stories

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magicpin Builds India's Largest Hyperlocal Retail Platform on MongoDB

Despite its trillion-dollar economy, 90% of retail consumption in India still takes place offline . While online retail in India has grown in recent years, much of it still consists of dark stores (a retail outlet or distribution center that exists exclusively for online shopping) and warehouses, the majority of retail establishments—fashion, food, dining, nightlife, and groceries—thrive as physical stores. What’s more, businesses looking to transition to online models are hindered by major platforms that focus primarily on clicks rather than encouraging transactions. This opportunity was the inspiration for the founders of magicpin , India’s largest hyperlocal retail platform. magicpin has revolutionized the conventional pay-per-click model, where businesses bid on keywords or phrases related to their products or services and then pay a fee each time someone clicks on an ad, with a new pay-per-conversion strategy. In a pay-per-conversion model, businesses only pay when they make an actual sale of a product or item. magicpin does not rely on dark stores, warehouses, or deep discounting; instead, it collaborates with local retailers, augmenting foot traffic and preserving the essence of local economies. This unique model ensures that consumers not only enjoy existing in-store benefits, but also receive additional perks when opting to transact through magicpin. “We enable the discovery of those merchants,” says Kunal Gupta, senior vice president at magicpin. “Which merchants in your local neighborhood are selling interesting stuff? What’s their inventory? What savings can we offer to buyers? We have data for everything.” Effectively three SaaS platforms in one, magicpin is a seller app, a buyer app, and a developing logistics app on the Open Network for Digital Commerce ( ONDC ), which is backed by the Indian government. With over 10 million users on its platform (covering the majority of Indian cities and over 100 localities), magicpin has established itself as a leading offline retail discovery and savings app. magicpin currently has 250,000 merchants in categories ranging from food to fashion to pharmacy. The power behind magicpin has always been MongoDB's flexibility and scalability. And from the company’s start in 2015, it became clear that magicpin was on to something special. “In the first week of March 2023 when we onboarded ONDC, we hit almost 10,000 transactions a day. In October last year, we peaked at 50,000 orders in a single day, which is a huge milestone,” says Kunal. “When an ONDC order is placed, it flows through us. We manage the entire process—from sending the order to the merchant, assigning logistics personnel for pickup and delivery, to handling any customer support tickets that may arise. It's the seamless integration of these elements that defines our contribution to the intricate framework of ONDC." Having launched using the community version of MongoDB , Kunal realized that magicpin needed to make better use of its relatively lean tech team and allow them to focus more on building the business. He also saw that a managed service would be a more effective way of handling maintenance and related tasks. “We realized there had to be a better solution. We can’t afford to have all the database expertise tied up with a team that’s focusing on creating businesses and building applications,” said Kunal. “That’s when we started to use MongoDB Atlas." magicpin uses a multitude of technologies, to store over 600 million SKUs, and handle its SaaS platform, session cache, card, and order management, and MongoDB Atlas sits at the heart of the business. “For our operational and scaling needs, it’s seamless,” Kunal concludes. “Availability is high, and monitoring and routing are super-good. Our lives have become much easier.” Watch the full presentation on YouTube to learn more.

July 23, 2024

Nokia Corteca Scales Wi-Fi Connectivity to Millions of Devices With MongoDB Atlas

Nokia’s home Wi-Fi connectivity cloud platform was launched in 2019 as the Nokia WiFi Cloud Controller (NWCC). In 2023, it was renamed and relaunched as the Corteca Home Controller, becoming part of the Corteca software suite that delivers smarter broadband for a better experience. The Corteca Home Controller can be hosted on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, and is the industry’s first platform to support three management services—device management, Wi-Fi management, and application management. Supporting TR-369 (a standardized remote device management protocol) also allows the Home Controller to work in a multi-vendor environment, managing both Nokia broadband devices and third-party broadband devices. By solving connectivity issues before the end-user detects them, and by automatically optimizing Wi-Fi performance, the Home Controller helps deliver excellent customer experiences to millions of users, 24/7. During the five years that Nokia Corteca has been a MongoDB Atlas customer, the Home Controller has successfully scaled from 500,000 devices to over 4.5 million. There are now 75 telecommunications customers of Home Controller spread across all regions of the globe. Having the stability, efficiency, and performance to scale Nokia Corteca's solution is end-to-end, from applications embedded in the device, through the home, and into the cloud. Algorithms assess data extracted from home networks, based on which performance parameters automatically adjust as needed—changing Wi-Fi channels to avoid network interference, for example—thereby ensuring zero downtime. The Home Controller processes real-time data sent from millions of devices, generating massive volumes of data. With a cloud optimization team tasked with deploying the solution across the globe to ever more customers, the Home Controller needed to store and manage its vast dataset and to onboard new telecommunication organizations more easily without incurring any downtime. Prior to Nokia Corteca moving to MongoDB Atlas, its legacy relational database lacked stability and required both admin and application teams to manage operations. A flexible model with time series capabilities That's where MongoDB Atlas came in. Nokia was familiar with the MongoDB Atlas database platform, having already worked with it as part of a previous company acquisition and solution integration. As Nokia's development team had direct experience with the scalability, manageability, and ease of use offered by MongoDB Atlas, they knew it had the potential to address the Home Controller’s technical and business requirements. There was another key element: Nokia wanted to store time-series data—a sequence of data points in which insights are gained by analyzing changes over time. MongoDB Atlas has the unique ability to store operational and time series data in parallel and provides robust querying capabilities on that data. Other advantages include MongoDB's flexible schema, which helps developers store data to match the application's needs and adapt as data changes over time. MongoDB Atlas also provides features such as Performance Advisor that monitors the performance of the database and makes intelligent recommendations to optimize and improve the performance and resource consumption Fast real time data browsing and scalability made easy Previously, scaling the database had been time-consuming and manual. With MongoDB Atlas, the team can easily scale up as demand increases with very little effort and no downtime. This also means it is much more straightforward to add new clients, such as large telecommunications companies. Having started with 100GB of data, the team now has more than 1.3 terabytes, and can increase the disc space in a fraction of a second, positioning the team to be able to scale with the business. As the Home Controller grows and onboards more telcos, the team anticipates a strengthening relationship with MongoDB. “We have a very good relationship with the MongoDB team,” said Jaisankar Gunasekaran, Head of Cloud Hosting and Operations at Nokia. “One of the main advantages is their local presence—they’re accessible, they’re friendly, and they’re experts. It makes our lives easier and lets us concentrate on our products and solutions.” To learn more about how MongoDB can help drive innovation and capture customer imaginations, check out our MongoDB for Telecommunications page.

July 2, 2024