The benefits of NoSQL databases in meeting the demands of Big Data applications are compelling. But coming up with the NoSQL database criteria for selecting the right technology for your enterprise is not easy.
First of all, the term “NoSQL” is unhelpful. It’s just an umbrella term for databases that do not follow the relational database model. There are many different types of NoSQL databases and approaches to handling the requirements of modern applications. It can be hard to understand which among these will suit your application and allow for long term support within your organization.
One criteria is the popularity of the database technology. Does the database enjoy widespread popularity in terms of the developer community and partner ecosystem? If yes, then the chances are better for gaining support for your chosen technology both inside and outside of your organization.
Another important consideration is whether the database serves a wide variety of use cases vs being well-suited to a only few scenarios. The technology needs to be general purpose if you’re hoping to gain traction within your organization. If it only supports one or two applications then you will be hard pressed to see resources and talent being directed your way.
On just these two criteria alone, MongoDB is the NoSQL database to seriously consider for your modern applications. It’s the most popular database with 40 million downloads and counting and a thriving developer community. It consistently top the NoSQL rankings according to DB-Engines’ monthly rankings. As a general purpose database, you can successfully address many different use cases with MongoDB.
To find out more about the most important criteria when selecting a NoSQL database, download our white paper. In the paper, we outline the five critical dimensions that organizations should consider in making the right choice for their applications and businesses.