Atlas Search 複合ジオ JSON クエリの実行方法
このチュートリアルでは、 sample_airbnb
データベースの listingsAndReviews
コレクションにインデックスを作成し、 内の各プロパティに対してname
、 address
、 property_type
を持つドキュメントを返すクエリを実行する方法について説明します。 coordinates
フィールドに Atlas Search インデックスを設定します。指定された地理的
を含む 10 個のドキュメントを返すクエリを実行します。 Atlas Search の結果には、タイプcondominium
開始する前に、Atlas クラスターが前提条件に記載されている要件を満たしていることを確認してください。
Atlas Search インデックスを作成するには、プロジェクトに対するProject Data Access Admin
Atlas Search インデックスの作成
このセクションでは、 sample_airbnb.listingsAndReviews
フィールドに Atlas Search インデックスを作成します。
Atlas Atlasで、プロジェクトの {0 ページにGoします。GoClusters
まだ表示されていない場合は、希望するプロジェクトを含む組織を選択しますナビゲーション バーのOrganizationsメニュー
まだ表示されていない場合は、ナビゲーション バーのProjectsメニューから目的のプロジェクトを選択します。
まだ表示されていない場合は、サイドバーの [Clusters] をクリックします。
[ クラスター]ページが表示されます。
ページで次の選択を行い、[]Next をクリックします。
Search Type | Atlas Searchインデックスタイプを選択します。 |
Index Name and Data Source | 以下の情報を指定します。
Configuration Method | For a guided experience, select Visual Editor. To edit the raw index definition, select JSON Editor. |
インデックスを作成するには、 インターフェースで または を使用できます。Atlas SearchVisual EditorAtlas SearchJSON EditorAtlas user次のインデックス定義は、Atlas Search がインデックスを作成する必要があることを指定します。
[Refine Your Index] をクリックします。
Field Mappingsセクションで、 Add Fieldをクリックして [ Add Field Mapping > Customized Configurationタブを開きます。
Field Nameドロップダウンからaddress.locationを選択します。
Data Typeドロップダウンをクリックし、Geo を選択します。
[Add] をクリックします。
[Save Changes] をクリックします。
{ "mappings": { "dynamic": true, "fields": { "address": { "fields": { "location": { "type": "geo" } }, "type": "document" } } } } [Next] をクリックします。
地理的フィールド、数値フィールド、テキスト フィールドを組み合わせたクエリの実行
➤ このページの [言語の選択] ドロップダウンメニューを使用して、このセクションの例の言語を設定します。
、 address
、 property_type
を持つ 10 個のドキュメントを返すクエリを実行します。 各ドキュメントscore
AtlasGoClustersAtlas で、プロジェクトの ページにGoします。
まだ表示されていない場合は、希望するプロジェクトを含む組織を選択しますナビゲーション バーのOrganizationsメニュー
まだ表示されていない場合は、ナビゲーション バーのProjectsメニューから目的のプロジェクトを選択します。
まだ表示されていない場合は、サイドバーの [Clusters] をクリックします。
[ Clusters (クラスター) ] ページが表示されます。
コレクションで geoWithin
演算子を使用して Atlas Search 複合クエリを実行します。
次の Atlas Search クエリでは、複合演算子を使用して次のようにします。
Search Testerでは、返されるドキュメント内のすべてのフィールドが表示されない場合があります。 クエリパスで指定したフィールドを含むすべてのフィールドを表示するには、結果内のドキュメントを展開します。
[ { "$search": { "index": "geo-json-tutorial", "compound": { "must": [{ "geoWithin": { "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[ -161.323242, 22.512557 ], [ -152.446289, 22.065278 ], [ -156.09375, 17.811456 ], [ -161.323242, 22.512557 ]]] }, "path": "address.location" } }], "should": [{ "text": { "path": "property_type", "query": "Condominium" } }] } } } ]
1 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "1001265" 2 listing_url: "" 3 name: "Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg" 4 summary: "A short distance from Honolulu's billion dollar mall, 5 and the same dis…" 6 ... 7 property_type: "Condominium" 8 ... 9 address: Object 10 street: "Honolulu, HI, United States" 11 suburb: "Oʻahu" 12 government_area: "Primary Urban Center" 13 market: "Oahu" 14 country: "United States" 15 country_code: "US" 16 location: Object 17 type: "Point" 18 coordinates: Array 19 0: -157.83919 20 1: 21.28634 21 is_location_exact: true 22 ... 23 24 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "10227000" 25 listing_url: "" 26 name: "LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!" 27 summary: "THIS IS A VERY SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM FULL CONDO (SLEEPS 4) AT THE BEAUTIF…" 28 ... 29 property_type: "Condominium" 30 ... 31 address: Object 32 street: "Lahaina, HI, United States" 33 suburb: "Maui" 34 government_area: "Lahaina" 35 market: "Maui" 36 country: "United States" 37 country_code: "US" 38 location: Object 39 type: "Point" 40 coordinates: Array 41 0: -156.68012 42 1: 20.96996 43 is_location_exact: true 44 ... 45 46 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "10266175" 47 listing_url: "" 48 name: "Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView" 49 summary: "A beautiful and comfortable 1 Bedroom Air Conditioned Condo in Makaha …" 50 ... 51 property_type: "Condominium" 52 ... 53 address: Object 54 street: "Waianae, HI, United States" 55 suburb: "Leeward Side" 56 government_area: "Waianae" 57 market: "Oahu" 58 country: "United States" 59 country_code: "US" 60 location: Object 61 type: "Point" 62 coordinates: Array 63 0: -158.20291 64 1: 21.4818 65 is_location_exact: true 66 ... 67 68 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "1042446" 69 listing_url: "" 70 name: "March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!" 71 summary: "" 72 ... 73 property_type: "Condominium" 74 ... 75 address: Object 76 street: "Kihei, HI, United States" 77 suburb: "Maui" 78 government_area: "Kihei-Makena" 79 market: "Maui" 80 country: "United States" 81 country_code: "US" 82 location: Object 83 type: "Point" 84 coordinates: Array 85 0: -156.46881 86 1: 20.78621 87 is_location_exact: true 88 ... 89 90 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "10527243" 91 listing_url: "" 92 name: "Tropical Jungle Oasis" 93 summary: "2 bedrooms, one with a queen sized bed, one with 2 single beds. 1 and …" 94 ... 95 property_type: "Condominium" 96 ... 97 address: Object 98 street: "Hilo, HI, United States" 99 suburb: "Island of Hawaiʻi" 100 government_area: "South Hilo" 101 market: "The Big Island" 102 country: "United States" 103 country_code: "US" 104 location: Object 105 type: "Point" 106 coordinates: Array 107 0: -155.09259 108 1: 19.73108 109 is_location_exact: true 110 ... 111 112 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "1104768" 113 listing_url: "" 114 name: "2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View" 115 summary: "This breathtaking 180 degree view of Waikiki is one of a kind. You wil…" 116 ... 117 property_type: "Condominium" 118 ... 119 address: Object 120 street: "Honolulu, HI, United States" 121 suburb: "Waikiki" 122 government_area: "Primary Urban Center" 123 market: "Oahu" 124 country: "United States" 125 country_code: "US" 126 location: Object 127 type: "Point" 128 coordinates: Array 129 0: -157.82696 130 1: 21.27971 131 is_location_exact: true 132 ... 133 134 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "11207193" 135 listing_url: "" 136 name: "302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view" 137 summary: "Welcome to Kana'i A Nalu a quiet resort that sits on the ocean away fr…" 138 ... 139 property_type: "Condominium" 140 ... 141 address: Object 142 street: "Wailuku, HI, United States" 143 suburb: "Maui" 144 government_area: "Kihei-Makena" 145 market: "Maui" 146 country: "United States" 147 country_code: "US" 148 location: Object 149 type: "Point" 150 coordinates: Array 151 0: -156.5039 152 1: 20.79664 153 is_location_exact: true 154 ... 155 156 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "11319047" 157 listing_url: "" 158 name: "Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !" 159 summary: "The Sugar Beach Resort enjoys a beachfront setting fit for a postcard." 160 ... 161 property_type: "Condominium" 162 ... 163 address: Object 164 street: "Kihei, HI, United States" 165 suburb: "Maui" 166 government_area: "Kihei-Makena" 167 market: "Maui" 168 country: "United States" 169 country_code: "US" 170 location: Object 171 type: "Point" 172 coordinates: Array 173 0: -156.46697 174 1: 20.78484 175 is_location_exact: true 176 ... 177 178 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "11695887" 179 listing_url: "" 180 name: "2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!" 181 summary: "Location, location, location... This is a great 2 bed, 2 bath condo is…" 182 ... 183 property_type: "Condominium" 184 ... 185 address: Object 186 street: "Kihei, HI, United States" 187 suburb: "Kihei/Wailea" 188 government_area: "Kihei-Makena" 189 market: "Maui" 190 country: "United States" 191 country_code: "US" 192 location: Object 193 type: "Point" 194 coordinates: Array 195 0: -156.44917 196 1: 20.73013 197 is_location_exact: true 198 ... 199 200 SCORE: 2.238388776779175 _id: "11817249" 201 listing_url: "" 202 name: "PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC" 203 summary: "Book with confidence this stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo at the …" 204 ... 205 property_type: "Condominium" 206 ... 207 address: Object 208 street: "Kihei, HI, United States" 209 suburb: "Maui" 210 government_area: "Kihei-Makena" 211 market: "Maui" 212 country: "United States" 213 country_code: "US" 214 location: Object 215 type: "Point" 216 coordinates: Array 217 0: -156.4409 218 1: 20.69735 219 is_location_exact: true 220 ...
ターミナル ウィンドウでmongosh
を開き、クラスターに接続します。 接続の詳細な手順については、「 mongosh
経由での接続 」を参照してください。
use sample_airbnb
で結合された Atlas Search クエリを実行します。
次の Atlas Search クエリは、
db.listingsAndReviews.aggregate([ { "$search": { "index": "geo-json-tutorial", "compound": { "must": [{ "geoWithin": { "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[ -161.323242, 22.512557 ], [ -152.446289, 22.065278 ], [ -156.09375, 17.811456 ], [ -161.323242, 22.512557 ]]] }, "path": "address.location" } }], "should": [{ "text": { "path": "property_type", "query": "Condominium" } }] } } }, { "$limit": 10 }, { $project: { "_id": 0, "name": 1, "address": 1, "property_type": 1, score: { $meta: "searchScore" } } } ])
[ { name: 'Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', suburb: 'Oʻahu', government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -157.83919, 21.28634 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Lahaina, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Lahaina', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.68012, 20.96996 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Waianae, HI, United States', suburb: 'Leeward Side', government_area: 'Waianae', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -158.20291, 21.4818 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.46881, 20.78621 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Tropical Jungle Oasis', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Hilo, HI, United States', suburb: 'Island of Hawaiʻi', government_area: 'South Hilo', market: 'The Big Island', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -155.09259, 19.73108 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', suburb: 'Waikiki', government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -157.82696, 21.27971 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Wailuku, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.5039, 20.79664 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.46697, 20.78484 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Kihei/Wailea', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.44917, 20.73013 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.4409, 20.69735 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 } ]
MongoDB Compass のクラスターに接続します。
MongoDB Compass を開き、クラスターに接続します。 接続の詳細な手順については、「 Compass 経由での接続 」を参照してください。
コレクションで Atlas Search クエリを実行します。
MongoDB Compass でこの Atlas Search クエリを実行するには:
[Aggregations] タブをクリックします。
Select...をクリックし、ドロップダウンからステージを選択し、そのステージのクエリを追加して、次の各パイプライン ステージを構成します。 ステージを追加するには、 Add Stageをクリックします。
{ 'index': 'geo-json-tutorial', 'compound': { 'must': [ { 'geoWithin': { 'geometry': { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [ [ [ -161.323242, 22.512557 ], [ -152.446289, 22.065278 ], [ -156.09375, 17.811456 ], [ -161.323242, 22.512557 ] ] ] }, 'path': 'address.location' } } ], 'should': [ { 'text': { 'path': 'property_type', 'query': 'Condominium' } } ] } } $limit
10 $project
{ '_id': 0, 'name': 1, 'address': 1, 'property_type': 1, 'score': { '$meta': 'searchScore' } }
Auto Previewを有効にした場合、MongoDB Compass は$project
パイプライン ステージの横に次のドキュメントを表示します。
1 { 2 name: 'Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg', 3 property_type: 'Condominium', 4 address: { 5 street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', 6 suburb: 'Oʻahu', 7 government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', 8 market: 'Oahu', 9 country: 'United States', 10 country_code: 'US', 11 location: { 12 type: 'Point', 13 coordinates: [ -157.83919, 21.28634 ], 14 is_location_exact: true 15 } 16 }, 17 score: 2.238388776779175 18 }, 19 { 20 name: 'LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!', 21 property_type: 'Condominium', 22 address: { 23 street: 'Lahaina, HI, United States', 24 suburb: 'Maui', 25 government_area: 'Lahaina', 26 market: 'Maui', 27 country: 'United States', 28 country_code: 'US', 29 location: { 30 type: 'Point', 31 coordinates: [ -156.68012, 20.96996 ], 32 is_location_exact: true 33 } 34 }, 35 score: 2.238388776779175 36 }, 37 { 38 name: 'Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView', 39 property_type: 'Condominium', 40 address: { 41 street: 'Waianae, HI, United States', 42 suburb: 'Leeward Side', 43 government_area: 'Waianae', 44 market: 'Oahu', 45 country: 'United States', 46 country_code: 'US', 47 location: { 48 type: 'Point', 49 coordinates: [ -158.20291, 21.4818 ], 50 is_location_exact: true 51 } 52 }, 53 score: 2.238388776779175 54 }, 55 { 56 name: 'March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!', 57 property_type: 'Condominium', 58 address: { 59 street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', 60 suburb: 'Maui', 61 government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', 62 market: 'Maui', 63 country: 'United States', 64 country_code: 'US', 65 location: { 66 type: 'Point', 67 coordinates: [ -156.46881, 20.78621 ], 68 is_location_exact: true 69 } 70 }, 71 score: 2.238388776779175 72 }, 73 { 74 name: 'Tropical Jungle Oasis', 75 property_type: 'Condominium', 76 address: { 77 street: 'Hilo, HI, United States', 78 suburb: 'Island of Hawaiʻi', 79 government_area: 'South Hilo', 80 market: 'The Big Island', 81 country: 'United States', 82 country_code: 'US', 83 location: { 84 type: 'Point', 85 coordinates: [ -155.09259, 19.73108 ], 86 is_location_exact: true 87 } 88 }, 89 score: 2.238388776779175 90 }, 91 { 92 name: '2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View', 93 property_type: 'Condominium', 94 address: { 95 street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', 96 suburb: 'Waikiki', 97 government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', 98 market: 'Oahu', 99 country: 'United States', 100 country_code: 'US', 101 location: { 102 type: 'Point', 103 coordinates: [ -157.82696, 21.27971 ], 104 is_location_exact: true 105 } 106 }, 107 score: 2.238388776779175 108 }, 109 { 110 name: '302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view', 111 property_type: 'Condominium', 112 address: { 113 street: 'Wailuku, HI, United States', 114 suburb: 'Maui', 115 government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', 116 market: 'Maui', 117 country: 'United States', 118 country_code: 'US', 119 location: { 120 type: 'Point', 121 coordinates: [ -156.5039, 20.79664 ], 122 is_location_exact: true 123 } 124 }, 125 score: 2.238388776779175 126 }, 127 { 128 name: 'Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !', 129 property_type: 'Condominium', 130 address: { 131 street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', 132 suburb: 'Maui', 133 government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', 134 market: 'Maui', 135 country: 'United States', 136 country_code: 'US', 137 location: { 138 type: 'Point', 139 coordinates: [ -156.46697, 20.78484 ], 140 is_location_exact: true 141 } 142 }, 143 score: 2.238388776779175 144 }, 145 { 146 name: '2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!', 147 property_type: 'Condominium', 148 address: { 149 street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', 150 suburb: 'Kihei/Wailea', 151 government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', 152 market: 'Maui', 153 country: 'United States', 154 country_code: 'US', 155 location: { 156 type: 'Point', 157 coordinates: [ -156.44917, 20.73013 ], 158 is_location_exact: true 159 } 160 }, 161 score: 2.238388776779175 162 }, 163 { 164 name: 'PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC', 165 property_type: 'Condominium', 166 address: { 167 street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', 168 suburb: 'Maui', 169 government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', 170 market: 'Maui', 171 country: 'United States', 172 country_code: 'US', 173 location: { 174 type: 'Point', 175 coordinates: [ -156.4409, 20.69735 ], 176 is_location_exact: true 177 } 178 }, 179 score: 2.238388776779175 180 }
$search パイプライン ステージの詳細については、リファレンス ページを参照してください。集計パイプラインの完全なドキュメントについては、 「MongoDB Server マニュアル」を参照してください。
ファイルの内容を次のコードで置き換えます。次の Atlas Search クエリは、
1 using MongoDB.Bson; 2 using MongoDB.Bson.IO; 3 using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization; 4 using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes; 5 using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions; 6 using MongoDB.Driver; 7 using MongoDB.Driver.GeoJsonObjectModel; 8 using MongoDB.Driver.Search; 9 using System; 10 11 public class GeoQuery 12 { 13 private const string MongoConnectionString = "<connection-string>"; 14 15 public static void Main(string[] args) 16 { 17 // allow automapping of the camelCase database fields to our AirbnbDocument 18 var camelCaseConvention = new ConventionPack { new CamelCaseElementNameConvention() }; 19 ConventionRegistry.Register("CamelCase", camelCaseConvention, type => true); 20 21 // connect to your Atlas cluster 22 var mongoClient = new MongoClient(MongoConnectionString); 23 var airbnbDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("sample_airbnb"); 24 var airbnbCollection = airbnbDatabase.GetCollection<AirbnbDocument>("listingsAndReviews"); 25 26 // declare data for the compound query 27 string property_type = "Condominium"; 28 var coordinates = new GeoJson2DCoordinates[] 29 { 30 new(-161.323242, 22.512557), 31 new(-152.446289, 22.065278), 32 new(-156.09375, 17.811456), 33 new(-161.323242, 22.512557) 34 }; 35 var polygon = GeoJson.Polygon(coordinates); 36 37 // define and run pipeline 38 var results = airbnbCollection.Aggregate() 39 .Search(Builders<AirbnbDocument>.Search.Compound() 40 .Must(Builders<AirbnbDocument>.Search.GeoWithin(airbnb => airbnb.Address.Location, polygon)) 41 .Should((Builders<AirbnbDocument>.Search.Text(airbnb => airbnb.PropertyType, property_type))), 42 indexName: "geo-json-tutorial") 43 .Limit (10) 44 .Project<AirbnbDocument>(Builders<AirbnbDocument>.Projection 45 .Include(airbnb => airbnb.PropertyType) 46 .Include(airbnb => airbnb.Address.Location) 47 .Include(airbnb => airbnb.Name) 48 .Exclude(airbnb => airbnb.Id) 49 .MetaSearchScore(airbnb => airbnb.Score)) 50 .ToList(); 51 52 // print results 53 foreach (var x in results) { 54 Console.WriteLine(x.ToJson()); 55 } 56 } 57 } 58 [ ]59 public class AirbnbDocument 60 { 61 [ ]62 public ObjectId Id { get; set; } 63 public String Name { get; set; } 64 [ ]65 public string PropertyType { get; set; } 66 public Address Address { get; set; } 67 public double Score { get; set; } 68 } 69 [ ]70 public class Address 71 { 72 public GeoJsonPoint<GeoJson2DCoordinates> Location { get; set; } 73 } サンプルを実行する前に、
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
dotnet run combined-geo-query.csproj
{ "name" : "Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-157.83919, 21.286339999999999], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.68011999999999, 20.96996], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-158.20291, 21.4818], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.46880999999999, 20.786210000000001], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "Tropical Jungle Oasis", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-155.09259, 19.731079999999999], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-157.82696000000001, 21.279710000000001], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.50389999999999, 20.79664], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.46697, 20.784839999999999], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.44917000000001, 20.730129999999999], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 } { "name" : "PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC", "property_type" : "Condominium", "address" : { "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-156.4409, 20.69735], "is_location_exact" : true } }, "score" : 2.2383887767791748 }
パッケージと依存関係をインポートします。Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立します。
1 package main 2 3 import ( 4 "context" 5 "fmt" 6 7 "" 8 "" 9 "" 10 ) 11 12 func main() { 13 // connect to your Atlas cluster 14 client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), options.Client().ApplyURI("<connection-string>")) 15 if err != nil { 16 panic(err) 17 } 18 defer client.Disconnect(context.TODO()) 19 20 // set namespace 21 collection := client.Database("sample_airbnb").Collection("listingsAndReviews") 22 23 // define polygon 24 polygon := [][][]float64{{ 25 {-161.323242, 22.512557}, 26 {-152.446289, 22.065278}, 27 {-156.09375, 17.811456}, 28 {-161.323242, 22.512557}, 29 }} 30 31 // define pipeline 32 searchStage := bson.D{{"$search", bson.M{ 33 "index": "geo-json-tutorial", 34 "compound": bson.M{ 35 "must": bson.M{ 36 "geoWithin": bson.M{ 37 "geometry": bson.M{ 38 "type": "Polygon", 39 "coordinates": polygon, 40 }, 41 "path": "address.location", 42 }, 43 }, 44 "should": bson.M{ 45 "text": bson.M{ 46 "path": "property_type", 47 "query": "Condominium", 48 }}, 49 }, 50 }, 51 }} 52 limitStage := bson.D{{"$limit", 10}} 53 projectStage := bson.D{{"$project", bson.D{{"name", 1}, {"address", 1}, {"property_type", 1}, {"_id", 0}, {"score", bson.D{{"$meta", "searchScore"}}}}}} 54 55 // run pipeline 56 cursor, err := collection.Aggregate(context.TODO(), mongo.Pipeline{searchStage, limitStage, projectStage}) 57 if err != nil { 58 panic(err) 59 } 60 61 // print results 62 var results []bson.D 63 if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil { 64 panic(err) 65 } 66 for _, result := range results { 67 fmt.Println(result) 68 } 69 }
を Atlas 接続文字列に置き換えます。
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
go run run-geo-query.go
[{name Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Honolulu, HI, United States} {suburb Oʻahu} {government_area Primary Urban Center} {market Oahu} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-157.83919 21.28634]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Lahaina, HI, United States} {suburb Maui} {government_area Lahaina} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.68012 20.96996]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Waianae, HI, United States} {suburb Leeward Side} {government_area Waianae} {market Oahu} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-158.20291 21.4818]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Kihei, HI, United States} {suburb Maui} {government_area Kihei-Makena} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.46881 20.78621]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name Tropical Jungle Oasis} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Hilo, HI, United States} {suburb Island of Hawaiʻi} {government_area South Hilo} {market The Big Island} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-155.09259 19.73108]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name 2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Honolulu, HI, United States} {suburb Waikiki} {government_area Primary Urban Center} {market Oahu} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-157.82696 21.27971]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name 302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Wailuku, HI, United States} {suburb Maui} {government_area Kihei-Makena} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.5039 20.79664]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Kihei, HI, United States} {suburb Maui} {government_area Kihei-Makena} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.46697 20.78484]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name 2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Kihei, HI, United States} {suburb Kihei/Wailea} {government_area Kihei-Makena} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.44917 20.73013]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}] [{name PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC} {property_type Condominium} {address [{street Kihei, HI, United States} {suburb Maui} {government_area Kihei-Makena} {market Maui} {country United States} {country_code US} {location [{type Point} {coordinates [-156.4409 20.69735]} {is_location_exact true}]}]} {score 2.238388776779175}]
パッケージと依存関係をインポートします。Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立します。
- カーソルを反復処理し、次に一致するドキュメントを出力します
- クエリを実行します。
1 import java.util.Arrays; 2 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq; 3 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit; 4 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project; 5 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.computed; 6 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.excludeId; 7 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.fields; 8 import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.include; 9 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient; 10 import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients; 11 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; 12 import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; 13 import org.bson.Document; 14 15 public class GeoQuery { 16 public static void main( String[] args ) { 17 Document agg = new Document( "$search", 18 new Document( "index", "geo-json-tutorial") 19 .append("compound", 20 new Document("must", Arrays.asList(new Document("geoWithin", 21 new Document("geometry", 22 new Document("type", "Polygon") 23 .append("coordinates", Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(-161.323242d, 22.512557d), Arrays.asList(-152.446289d, 22.065278d), Arrays.asList(-156.09375d, 17.811456d), Arrays.asList(-161.323242d, 22.512557d))))) 24 .append("path", "address.location")))) 25 .append("should", Arrays.asList(new Document("text", 26 new Document("path", "property_type") 27 .append("query", "Condominium")))))); 28 29 String uri = "<connection-string>"; 30 31 try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) { 32 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_airbnb"); 33 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("listingsAndReviews"); 34 35 collection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(agg, 36 limit(10), 37 project(fields(excludeId(), include("name", "address", "property_type"), computed("score", new Document("$meta", "searchScore")))))) 38 .forEach(doc -> System.out.println(doc.toJson() + "\n")); 39 } 40 } 41 }
Maven 環境でサンプル コードを実行するには、 ファイルのインポート ステートメントの上に以下を追加します。
package com.mongodb.drivers;
を Atlas 接続文字列に置き換えます。
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
javac java GeoQuery
{"name": "Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg", "property_type": "Condominium", "address": {"street": "Honolulu, HI, United States", "suburb": "O\u02bbahu", "government_area": "Primary Urban Center", "market": "Oahu", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-157.83919, 21.28634], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Kailua-Kona, Kona Coast II 2b condo", "property_type": "Apartment", "address": {"street": "Kailua-Kona, HI, United States", "suburb": "Kailua/Kona", "government_area": "North Kona", "market": "The Big Island", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-155.96445, 19.5702], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!", "property_type": "Condominium", "address": {"street": "Lahaina, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui", "government_area": "Lahaina", "market": "Maui", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-156.68012, 20.96996], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView", "property_type": "Condominium", "address": {"street": "Waianae, HI, United States", "suburb": "Leeward Side", "government_area": "Waianae", "market": "Oahu", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-158.20291, 21.4818], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "~Ao Lele~ Flying Cloud", "property_type": "Treehouse", "address": {"street": "Volcano, HI, United States", "suburb": "Island of Hawai\u02bbi", "government_area": "Puna", "market": "The Big Island", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-155.21763, 19.42151], "is_location_exact": false}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Private OceanFront - Bathtub Beach. Spacious House", "property_type": "House", "address": {"street": "Laie, HI, United States", "suburb": "Ko'olauloa", "government_area": "Koolauloa", "market": "Oahu", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-157.91952, 21.63549], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Banyan Bungalow", "property_type": "Bungalow", "address": {"street": "Waialua, HI, United States", "suburb": "O\u02bbahu", "government_area": "North Shore Oahu", "market": "Oahu", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-158.1602, 21.57561], "is_location_exact": false}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!", "property_type": "Condominium", "address": {"street": "Kihei, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "market": "Maui", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-156.46881, 20.78621], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Tropical Jungle Oasis", "property_type": "Condominium", "address": {"street": "Hilo, HI, United States", "suburb": "Island of Hawai\u02bbi", "government_area": "South Hilo", "market": "The Big Island", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-155.09259, 19.73108], "is_location_exact": true}}, "score": 1.0}, {"name": "Jubilee By The Sea (Ocean Views)", "property_type": "House", "address": {"street": "Kailua-Kona, HI, United States", "suburb": "Island of Hawai\u02bbi", "government_area": "North Kona", "market": "The Big Island", "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-155.97349, 19.61318], "is_location_exact": false}}, "score": 1.0}
パッケージと依存関係をインポートします。Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立します。
1 import com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.limit 2 import com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.project 3 import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.* 4 import com.mongodb.kotlin.client.coroutine.MongoClient 5 import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking 6 import org.bson.Document 7 8 fun main() { 9 // connect to your Atlas cluster 10 val uri = "<connection-string>" 11 val mongoClient = MongoClient.create(uri) 12 13 // set namespace 14 val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("sample_airbnb") 15 val collection = database.getCollection<Document>("listingsAndReviews") 16 17 runBlocking { 18 // define pipeline 19 val agg = Document( 20 "\$search", 21 Document("index", "geo-json-tutorial") 22 .append( 23 "compound", 24 Document( 25 "must", listOf( 26 Document( 27 "geoWithin", 28 Document( 29 "geometry", 30 Document("type", "Polygon") 31 .append( 32 "coordinates", 33 listOf( 34 listOf( 35 listOf(-161.323242, 22.512557), 36 listOf(-152.446289, 22.065278), 37 listOf(-156.09375, 17.811456), 38 listOf(-161.323242, 22.512557) 39 ) 40 ) 41 ) 42 ) 43 .append("path", "address.location") 44 ) 45 ) 46 ) 47 .append( 48 "should", listOf( 49 Document( 50 "text", 51 Document("path", "property_type") 52 .append("query", "Condominium") 53 ) 54 ) 55 ) 56 ) 57 ) 58 59 // run pipeline and print results 60 val resultsFlow = collection.aggregate<Document>( 61 listOf( 62 agg, 63 limit(10), 64 project(fields( 65 excludeId(), 66 include("name", "address", "property_type"), 67 computed("score", Document("\$meta", "searchScore")) 68 )) 69 ) 70 ) 71 resultsFlow.collect { println(it) } 72 } 73 mongoClient.close() 74 }
を Atlas 接続文字列に置き換えます。
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
IDE でGeoQuery.kt
Document{{name=Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Honolulu, HI, United States, suburb=Oʻahu, government_area=Primary Urban Center, market=Oahu, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-157.83919, 21.28634], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Lahaina, HI, United States, suburb=Maui, government_area=Lahaina, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.68012, 20.96996], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Waianae, HI, United States, suburb=Leeward Side, government_area=Waianae, market=Oahu, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-158.20291, 21.4818], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Kihei, HI, United States, suburb=Maui, government_area=Kihei-Makena, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.46881, 20.78621], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=Tropical Jungle Oasis, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Hilo, HI, United States, suburb=Island of Hawaiʻi, government_area=South Hilo, market=The Big Island, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-155.09259, 19.73108], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Honolulu, HI, United States, suburb=Waikiki, government_area=Primary Urban Center, market=Oahu, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-157.82696, 21.27971], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Wailuku, HI, United States, suburb=Maui, government_area=Kihei-Makena, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.5039, 20.79664], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Kihei, HI, United States, suburb=Maui, government_area=Kihei-Makena, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.46697, 20.78484], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Kihei, HI, United States, suburb=Kihei/Wailea, government_area=Kihei-Makena, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.44917, 20.73013], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}} Document{{name=PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC, property_type=Condominium, address=Document{{street=Kihei, HI, United States, suburb=Maui, government_area=Kihei-Makena, market=Maui, country=United States, country_code=US, location=Document{{type=Point, coordinates=[-156.4409, 20.69735], is_location_exact=true}}}}, score=2.238388776779175}}
MongoDB の Node.js ドライバーである
をインポートします。Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立するための
1 const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); 2 3 // connect to your Atlas cluster 4 const uri ="<connection-string>"; 5 6 const client = new MongoClient(uri); 7 8 async function run() { 9 try { 10 await client.connect(); 11 12 // set namespace 13 const database = client.db("sample_airbnb"); 14 const coll = database.collection("listingsAndReviews"); 15 16 // define pipeline 17 const agg = [ 18 { 19 '$search': { 20 'index': 'geo-json-tutorial', 21 'compound': { 22 'must': [ 23 { 24 'geoWithin': { 25 'geometry': { 26 'type': 'Polygon', 27 'coordinates': [ 28 [ 29 [ 30 -161.323242, 22.512557 31 ], [ 32 -152.446289, 22.065278 33 ], [ 34 -156.09375, 17.811456 35 ], [ 36 -161.323242, 22.512557 37 ] 38 ] 39 ] 40 }, 41 'path': 'address.location' 42 } 43 } 44 ], 45 'should': [ 46 { 47 'text': { 48 'path': 'property_type', 49 'query': 'Condominium' 50 } 51 } 52 ] 53 } 54 } 55 }, { 56 '$limit': 10 57 }, { 58 '$project': { 59 '_id': 0, 60 'name': 1, 61 'address': 1, 62 'property_type': 1, 63 'score': { 64 '$meta': 'searchScore' 65 } 66 } 67 } 68 ]; 69 // run pipeline 70 const result = await coll.aggregate(agg); 71 72 // print results 73 await result.forEach((doc) => console.log(doc)); 74 } finally { 75 await client.close(); 76 } 77 } 78 run().catch(console.dir);
を Atlas 接続文字列に置き換えます。
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
node run-geo-query.js
{ name: 'Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', suburb: 'Oʻahu', government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -157.83919, 21.28634 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Lahaina, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Lahaina', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.68012, 20.96996 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Waianae, HI, United States', suburb: 'Leeward Side', government_area: 'Waianae', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -158.20291, 21.4818 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.46881, 20.78621 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Tropical Jungle Oasis', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Hilo, HI, United States', suburb: 'Island of Hawaiʻi', government_area: 'South Hilo', market: 'The Big Island', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -155.09259, 19.73108 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Honolulu, HI, United States', suburb: 'Waikiki', government_area: 'Primary Urban Center', market: 'Oahu', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -157.82696, 21.27971 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Wailuku, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.5039, 20.79664 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.46697, 20.78484 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: '2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Kihei/Wailea', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.44917, 20.73013 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }, { name: 'PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC', property_type: 'Condominium', address: { street: 'Kihei, HI, United States', suburb: 'Maui', government_area: 'Kihei-Makena', market: 'Maui', country: 'United States', country_code: 'US', location: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -156.4409, 20.69735 ], is_location_exact: true } }, score: 2.238388776779175 }
、MongoDB の Python ドライバー、およびDNSシード リスト接続文字列を使用してpymongo
モジュールをインポートします。Atlas クラスターへの接続を確立するための
1 import pymongo 2 3 # connect to your Atlas cluster 4 client = pymongo.MongoClient('<connection-string>') 5 6 # define pipeline 7 pipeline = [ 8 { 9 '$search': { 10 'index': 'geo-json-tutorial', 11 'compound': { 12 'must': [ 13 { 14 'geoWithin': { 15 'geometry': { 16 'type': 'Polygon', 17 'coordinates': [ 18 [ 19 [ 20 -161.323242, 22.512557 21 ], [ 22 -152.446289, 22.065278 23 ], [ 24 -156.09375, 17.811456 25 ], [ 26 -161.323242, 22.512557 27 ] 28 ] 29 ] 30 }, 31 'path': 'address.location' 32 } 33 } 34 ], 35 'should': [ 36 { 37 'text': { 38 'path': 'property_type', 39 'query': 'Condominium' 40 } 41 } 42 ] 43 } 44 } 45 }, { 46 '$limit': 10 47 }, { 48 '$project': { 49 '_id': 0, 50 'name': 1, 51 'address': 1, 52 'property_type': 1, 53 'score': { 54 '$meta': 'searchScore' 55 } 56 } 57 } 58 ] 59 # run pipeline 60 result = client["sample_airbnb"]["listingsAndReviews"].aggregate(pipeline) 61 62 # print results 63 for i in result: 64 print(i)
を Atlas 接続文字列に置き換えます。
をAtlas接続stringに置き換えます。 接続stringにデータベースユーザーの認証情報が含まれていることを確認します。 詳しくは、「ドライバーによる接続 」を参照してください。
{ "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Primary Urban Center", "location": { "coordinates": [ -157.83919, 21.28634 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Oahu", "street": "Honolulu, HI, United States", "suburb": "O\u02bbahu" }, "name": "Ocean View Waikiki Marina w/prkg", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Lahaina", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.68012, 20.96996 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Lahaina, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui" }, "name": "LAHAINA, MAUI! RESORT/CONDO BEACHFRONT!! SLEEPS 4!", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Waianae", "location": { "coordinates": [ -158.20291, 21.4818 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Oahu", "street": "Waianae, HI, United States", "suburb": "Leeward Side" }, "name": "Makaha Valley Paradise with OceanView", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.46881, 20.78621 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Kihei, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui" }, "name": "March 2019 availability! Oceanview on Sugar Beach!", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "South Hilo", "location": { "coordinates": [ -155.09259, 19.73108 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "The Big Island", "street": "Hilo, HI, United States", "suburb": "Island of Hawai\u02bbi" }, "name": "Tropical Jungle Oasis", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Primary Urban Center", "location": { "coordinates": [ -157.82696, 21.27971 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Oahu", "street": "Honolulu, HI, United States", "suburb": "Waikiki" }, "name": "2 Bdrm/2 Bath Family Suite Ocean View", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.5039, 20.79664 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Wailuku, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui" }, "name": "302 Kanai A Nalu Ocean front/view", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.46697, 20.78484 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Kihei, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui" }, "name": "Sugar Beach Resort 1BR Ground Floor Condo !", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.44917, 20.73013 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Kihei, HI, United States", "suburb": "Kihei/Wailea" }, "name": "2 BR Oceanview - Great Location!", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 } { "address": { "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "government_area": "Kihei-Makena", "location": { "coordinates": [ -156.4409, 20.69735 ], "is_location_exact": true, "type": "Point" }, "market": "Maui", "street": "Kihei, HI, United States", "suburb": "Maui" }, "name": "PALMS AT WAILEA #905-2BR-REMODELED-LARGE LANAI-AC", "property_type": "Condominium", "score": 2.238388776779175 }