Query for Locations that Intersect a GeoJSON Object
You can query for location data that intersects with a GeoJSON object. For example, consider an application that stores coordinates of gas stations. You can create a GeoJSON LineString that represents a road trip, and query for gas stations that intersect with the road trip route.
To query for location data that intersects with a GeoJSON object, use
the $geoIntersects
db.<collection>.find( { <location field> : { $geoIntersects : { $geometry : { type : "<GeoJSON object type>", coordinates : [ <coordinates> ] } } } } )
About this Task
When you specify longitude and latitude coordinates, list the longitude first, and then latitude.
Valid longitude values are between
, both inclusive.Valid latitude values are between
, both inclusive.
A location intersects with an object if it shares at least one point with the specified object. This includes objects that have a shared edge.
does not require a geospatial index. However, a geospatial index improves query performance. Only the 2dsphere geospatial index supports$geoIntersects
. For more information see Create a 2dsphere Index.
Before You Begin
Create a gasStations
collection that contains these documents:
db.gasStations.insertMany( [ { loc: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -106.31, 35.65 ] }, state: "New Mexico", country: "United States", name: "Horizons Gas Station" }, { loc: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -122.62, 40.75 ] }, state: "California", country: "United States", name: "Car and Truck Rest Area" }, { loc: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -72.71, 44.15 ] }, state: "Vermont", country: "United States", name: "Ready Gas and Snacks" } ] )
The following $geoIntersects
query specifies a LineString
containing four points and returns documents that intersect with the
db.gasStations.find( { loc: { $geoIntersects: { $geometry: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [ -105.82, 33.87 ], [ -106.01, 34.09 ], [ -106.31, 35.65 ], [ -107.39, 35.98 ] ] } } } } )
[ { _id: ObjectId("63f658d45e5eefbdfef81ca4"), loc: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -106.31, 35.65 ] }, state: 'New Mexico', country: 'United States', name: 'Horizons Gas Station' } ]