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db.revokeRolesFromRole(rolename, roles, writeConcern)

Removes the specified inherited roles from a role.

The db.revokeRolesFromRole() method uses the following syntax:

db.revokeRolesFromRole( "<rolename>", [ <roles> ], { <writeConcern> } )

The db.revokeRolesFromRole() method takes the following arguments:

The name of the role from which to revoke roles.
The inherited roles to remove.

Optional. The level of write concern for the operation. See Write Concern Specification.

In the roles field, you can specify both built-in roles and user-defined roles.

To specify a role that exists in the same database where db.revokeRolesFromRole() runs, you can either specify the role with the name of the role:


Or you can specify the role with a document, as in:

{ role: "<role>", db: "<database>" }

To specify a role that exists in a different database, specify the role with a document.

The db.revokeRolesFromRole() method wraps the revokeRolesFromRole command.

If run on a replica set, db.revokeRolesFromRole() is executed using "majority" write concern by default.

You must have the revokeRole action on a database to revoke a role on that database.

The purchaseAgents role in the emea database inherits privileges from several other roles, as listed in the roles array:

"_id" : "emea.purchaseAgents",
"role" : "purchaseAgents",
"db" : "emea",
"privileges" : [],
"roles" : [
"role" : "readOrdersCollection",
"db" : "emea"
"role" : "readAccountsCollection",
"db" : "emea"
"role" : "writeOrdersCollection",
"db" : "emea"

The following db.revokeRolesFromRole() operation on the emea database removes two roles from the purchaseAgents role:

use emea
db.revokeRolesFromRole( "purchaseAgents",
{ w: "majority" , wtimeout: 5000 }

The purchaseAgents role now contains just one role:

"_id" : "emea.purchaseAgents",
"role" : "purchaseAgents",
"db" : "emea",
"privileges" : [],
"roles" : [
"role" : "readAccountsCollection",
"db" : "emea"
←  db.grantRolesToRole()db.updateRole() →