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Mongo.setReadPref(mode, tagSet, hedgeOptions)

Call the setReadPref() method on a Mongo connection object to control how the client will route all queries to members of the replica set. [1]


You must call Mongo.setReadPref() on the connection object before retrieving documents using that connection to use that read preference.

[1] To apply a read preference for a specific query or queries, you can apply cursor.readPref() to a cursor before iteration. See cursor.readPref() for details.
array of documents

Optional. A tag set used to target reads to members with the specified tag(s). tagSet is not available if using read preference mode primary.

For details, see Read Preference Tag Sets.


Optional. A document that specifies whether to enable the use of hedged reads:

{ enabled: <boolean> }

The enabled field defaults to true; i.e. specifying an empty document { } is equivalent to specifying { enabled: true }.

Hedged reads are available starting in MongoDB 4.4 for sharded clusters. To use hedged reads, the mongos must have enabled support for hedged reads (the default) and the non-primary read preferences must enable the use of hedged reads.

Read preference nearest enables the use of hedged reads on sharded clusters by default; i.e. by default, has { enabled: true }.

New in version 4.4.

Mongo.setReadPref() does not support the Read Preference maxStalenessSeconds option for read preference.

The following operation sets the read preference mode to target the read to a secondary member. This implicitly allows reads from secondaries.


To target secondaries with specific tags, include both the mode and the tagSet array:

{ "datacenter": "B" }, // First, try matching by the datacenter tag
{ "region": "West"}, // If not found, then try matching by the region tag
{ } // If not found, then use the empty document to match all eligible members

During the secondary selection process, MongoDB tries to find secondary members with the datacenter: "B" tag first.

  • If found, MongoDB limits the eligible secondaries to those with the datacenter: "B" tag and ignores the remaining tags.

  • If none are found, then, MongoDB tries to find secondary members with the "region": "West" tag.

    • If found, MongoDB limits the eligible secondaries to those with the "region": "West" tag.

    • If none are found, MongoDB uses any eligible secondaries.

See Order of Tag Matching for details.


See also:

Starting in MongoDB 4.4 for sharded clusters, you can enable hedged reads for non-primary read preferences. To use hedged reads, the mongos must have enabled support for hedged reads (the default) and the non-primary read preferences must enable the use of hedged reads.

To target secondaries on 4.4+ sharded cluster using hedged reads, include both the mode and the hedgeOptions, as in the following examples:

  • Without a tag set

    "secondary", // mode
    null, // tag set
    { enabled: true } // hedge options
  • With a tag set

    "secondary", // mode
    [ { "datacenter": "B" }, { } ], // tag set
    { enabled: true } // hedge options
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