Package io.realm.kotlin


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fun <E : RealmModel> E.addChangeListener(listener: RealmChangeListener<E>)
Adds a change listener to a RealmObject that will be triggered if any value field or referenced RealmObject field is changed, or the RealmList field itself is changed.
fun <E : RealmModel> E.addChangeListener(listener: RealmObjectChangeListener<E>)
Adds a change listener to a RealmObject to get detailed information about the changes.
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inline fun <T : RealmModel> Realm.createEmbeddedObject(parentObject: RealmModel, parentProperty: String): T
Instantiates and adds a new embedded object to the Realm.
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inline fun <T : RealmModel> Realm.createObject(): T
Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm.
inline fun <T : RealmModel> Realm.createObject(primaryKeyValue: Any?): T
Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm with the primary key value already set.
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inline fun <T : RealmModel> Realm.delete()
Deletes all objects of the specified class from the Realm.
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fun RealmModel.deleteFromRealm()
Deletes the object from the Realm it is currently associated with.
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suspend fun Realm.executeTransactionAwait(context: CoroutineContext = Realm.WRITE_EXECUTOR.asCoroutineDispatcher(), transaction: (realm: Realm) -> Unit)
Suspend version of Realm.executeTransaction to use within coroutines.
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fun <T : RealmModel> RealmModel.freeze(): T
Returns a frozen snapshot of this object.
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fun RealmModel.isFrozen(): Boolean
Returns whether or not this RealmModel is frozen.
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fun RealmModel.isLoaded(): Boolean
Checks if the query used to find this RealmObject has completed.
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fun RealmModel.isManaged(): Boolean
Checks if this object is managed by Realm.
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fun RealmModel.isValid(): Boolean
Checks if the RealmObject is still valid to use i.e., the RealmObject hasn't been deleted nor has the Realm been closed.
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fun RealmModel.load(): Boolean
Makes an asynchronous query blocking.
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fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Date?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Boolean?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Byte?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Double?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Float?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Int?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Long?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out Short?>): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmQuery<T>.oneOf(propertyName: String, value: Array<out String?>, casing: Case = Case.SENSITIVE): RealmQuery<T>
In comparison.
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fun RealmModel.removeAllChangeListeners()
Removes all registered listeners from the given RealmObject.
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fun <E : RealmModel> E.removeChangeListener(listener: RealmChangeListener<E>)
Removes a previously registered listener on the given RealmObject.
fun <E : RealmModel> E.removeChangeListener(listener: RealmObjectChangeListener<E>)
Removes a previously registered listener on the given RealmObject.
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fun <T : RealmModel> T?.toChangesetFlow(): Flow<ObjectChange<T>?>
Returns a Flow that monitors changes to this RealmObject.
fun <T> RealmList<T>.toChangesetFlow(): Flow<CollectionChange<RealmList<T>>>
Returns a Flow that monitors changes to this RealmList.
fun <T : RealmModel> RealmResults<T>.toChangesetFlow(): Flow<CollectionChange<RealmResults<T>>>
Returns a Flow that monitors changes to this RealmResults.
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fun DynamicRealm.toflow(): Flow<DynamicRealm>
Creates a Flow for a DynamicRealm.
fun Realm.toflow(): Flow<Realm>
Creates a Flow for a Realm.
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inline fun <T : RealmModel> Realm.where(): RealmQuery<T>
Returns a typed RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of this type


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val Realm.syncSession: SyncSession
Returns the SyncSession associated with this Realm.