Query for Locations within a Shape on a Flat Surface
To query for location data within a specified shape on a flat surface,
use the $geoWithin
operator. To use $geoWithin
with data
that appears on a flat surface, use this syntax:
db.<collection>.find( { <location field> : { $geoWithin : { <shape operator> : <coordinates> } } } )
Replace these values for your query:
Field | Description |
| The collection to query. |
| The field that contains your location data. For queries on a flat surface, your data must be stored as legacy coordinate pairs. |
| |
| The coordinates that define the edges of the shape to query
within. When used with the When you specify longitude and latitude coordinates, list the longitude first, and then latitude.
About this Task
does not require a geospatial index. However, a
geospatial index improves query performance.
Before You Begin
Create the contacts
db.contacts.insertMany( [ { name: "Evander Otylia", phone: "202-555-0193", address: [ 55.5, 42.3 ] }, { name: "Georgine Lestaw", phone: "714-555-0107", address: [ -74, 44.74 ] } ] )
The address
field contains legacy coordinate pairs.
Use $geoWithin
to query the contacts
collection. The following
query uses the $box
operator to return documents
that appear within a specified rectangle:
db.contacts.find( { address: { $geoWithin: { $box: [ [ 49, 40 ], [ 60, 60 ] ] } } } )
[ { _id: ObjectId("647e4e496cdaf4dc323ec92a"), name: 'Evander Otylia', phone: '202-555-0193', address: [ 55.5, 42.3 ] } ]
The values of the $box
operator represent the bottom-left and
top-right corners of of the rectangle to query within.
The $geoWithin
query shown earlier returns documents that are within
a rectangle that has these vertices:
[ 49, 40 ]
[ 49, 60 ]
[ 60, 60 ]
[ 60, 40 ]
Learn More
To learn how to use the $geoWithin
operator with other shapes, see
these pages: