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This page lists all active Backup Daemons and provides configuration options. Ops Manager automatically detects Backup Daemons and displays them here. You can reconfigure daemons from this page. Changes can take up to 5 minutes to take effect.

Click Pre-Configure New Daemon at the bottom of the page if you want to add a daemon but do not want it to take new jobs. Type the <machine>:<roothead path> in the text field above Pre-Configure New Daemon. Click the button to configure the new Backup Daemon.

For each daemon, the page lists the server name, configuration, head space used, head space free, the number of replica sets backed up, the percentage of time the Backup Daemon Service was busy, and job runtime counts by 1 minute, 10 minutes, 60 minutes, less than or equal to 180 minutes, and greater than 180 minutes.

The page includes the following fields and links to manage and configure daemons:

Field Description
Show Detailed JSON Displays the Backup Daemon JSON. When the JSON displays, the View raw runtime data link appears under the code, allowing you to view the raw data.
Move all heads

Moves all the Backup Daemon jobs that live on this daemon to a new daemon location.

  1. Click the link.
  2. Click the location.
  3. Click Move all heads.
Delete Daemon Deletes a Backup Daemon.
Assignment Allows the daemon to process more jobs. If the daemon’s disk fills, clear this so the host is not overloaded.
Backup Jobs Allows the daemon to process more backup jobs. Clear this when performing maintenance on a daemon’s host.
Resource Usage

Collects information on blockstore use (i.e., which snapshots still reference how many blocks). Ops Manager uses this information to generate the Resource Usage page and to prioritize garbage collection.


If this Ops Manager instance is running as a dedicated restore daemon host, you may want to clear this checkbox to ensure the fastest possible restore time.

Garbage Collection

Allows the daemon to schedule groom jobs to remove unused blocks and expired snapshots.


If this Ops Manager instance is running as a dedicated restore daemon host, you may want to clear this checkbox to ensure the fastest possible restore time.

Head Disk Type Indicates whether the disk type is SSD or HDD. If you change a daemon to SSD, then only jobs with an oplog greater than 1GB/hour will go to this daemon unless no HDD daemon is available. Jobs with an oplog less than 1 GBph can go to this daemon only if no HDD daemon is available.
Assignment Labels Creates one or more labels that can be used to assign the daemon to a specific group.
Number of Workers

Number of concurrent backup tasks processed at a time.

To query a snapshot of a sharded cluster, the Backup Daemon requires at least one worker for the config server, one worker for each shard, and one worker for each mongos instance.

To query a snapshot of a replica set, the Backup Daemon requires at least one worker for the replica set.


If you restore a queryable backup from a 3-shard cluster with 1 shard router (mongos), you would need this value to be at least 5:

  • 1 per shard (3) +
  • 1 for the config server (1) +
  • 1 for the mongos

When the queryable backup begins, the Backup Daemon spins up 5 or more workers to manage these components.