This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported. To learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB Ops Manager, refer to the upgrade documentation.
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Upgrade Ops Manager from a tar.gz or zip Archive

This tutorial describes how to upgrade an existing Ops Manager installation using a tar.gz or zip file.

Upgrade Path

The version of your existing Ops Manager installation determines the upgrade path you must take to upgrade to Ops Manager 3.6 or later.


  • You must follow the upgrade path for your existing version to perform necessary database migrations.
  • To protect your data, Ops Manager refuses to start direct upgrades from versions 1.8.x and 2.0.x to version 3.4 or later.
  • In high availability environments, you must shut down every Ops Manager application server before starting any Ops Manager application servers upgraded to the new version.

The following table lists upgrade paths for all versions:

Existing Version Upgrade Path
3.6.x Use this tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager on 3.6.x to a more recent 3.6.x version.
3.4.x Use this tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4.x to version 3.6.x.
  1. Upgrade from Ops Manager 2.0.x to version 3.4.x. For the specific upgrade path for your version, refer to :v3.4:`v3.4 upgrade documentation </tutorial/nav/upgrade-application>`.

  2. Ensure that your deployment has fully migrated to 3.4 before upgrading to 3.6. To verify:

    1. Click the Admin link in the top right corner of Ops Manager.
    2. Go to General > Ops Manager Config.
    3. Click Miscellaneous tab, and scroll to Ops Manager Data Migration section. If the displayed status is Migration is Complete, you may upgrade to 3.6

    For more information, see Ops Manager Data Migration.

  3. Use this tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4.x to version 3.6+.

1.8.x or earlier
  1. Follow the appropriate upgrade path to upgrade your version to 2.0.x. For the specific upgrade path for your version, refer to :v2.0:`v2.0 upgrade documentation </tutorial/nav/upgrade-application-daemon>`.
  2. Upgrade from Ops Manager 2.0.x to version 3.4.x. For the specific upgrade path for your version, refer to :v3.4:`v3.4 upgrade documentation </tutorial/nav/upgrade-application>`.
  3. Use this tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4.x to version 3.6+.

There are no supported downgrade paths for Ops Manager.


It is crucial that you back up the existing and gen.key files because the upgrade process will delete existing data.


Upgrading to Ops Manager 3.6

Before upgrading Ops Manager from 3.4 to 3.6, complete the following actions:

  • Upgrade all backing databases to MongoDB 3.2 or later.

  • Wait for Ops Manager to finish upgrading the monitoring schema.

    To monitor the schema upgrade:

    1. Click Admin.

    2. Click Ops Manager Config.

    3. Click the Miscellaneous tab.

      The progress should be shown before the Default Monitoring Data Retention heading.

  • Change mms.minimumTLSVersion if you must support older TLS versions.

    Ops Manager Application supports TLS 1.2 only by default.

    To re-enable ciphers which have been disabled, change mms.disableCiphers.


    Consider the security implications carefully before doing this.


Hardware and Software Requirements

Your servers must meet the Ops Manager System Requirements.


Failure to configure servers according to the Ops Manager System Requirements, including the requirement to read the MongoDB Production Notes, can lead to production failure.

Administrator Privileges
You must have administrator privileges on the servers on which you perform the upgrade.
Download Link
You must have the download link available on the customer downloads page provided to you by MongoDB. If you do not have this link, you can access the download page for evaluation at



Before you perform the upgrade procedure, ensure that you have a current backup of the Ops Manager backing databases. To perform a full backup, see Shut Down and Back Up Ops Manager.


Stop all existing Ops Manager services.

Shut down the Ops Manager Application.

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms stop

On each Ops Manager server, back up your existing configuration files and logs to a directory other than the install directory.


You need the backed-up <install_dir>/conf/ file for later in this procedure.


The following commands back up the configuration files and logs to your home directory:

cp -a <install_dir>/conf ~/mms_conf.backup
cp -a <install_dir>/logs ~/mms_logs.backup

Download the latest version of the Ops Manager archive.

  1. In a browser, go to and click on the Download button.
  2. Complete the form.
  3. On the MongoDB Download Center page, click on the Ops Manager tab.
  4. Select RedHat 5+ / CentOS 5+ / SUSE 12+ / Amazon Linux or Ubuntu 14.04+ from the Platforms drop-down menu.
  5. Select TAR.GZ from the Packages drop-down menu.
  6. Click Download.


The downloaded package is named mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.tar.gz, where <version> is the version number.


Install the Ops Manager package on each server being used for Ops Manager.

Navigate to the directory to which to install Ops Manager. Extract the archive to that directory:

tar -zxf mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.tar.gz

On each Ops Manager server, restore the backed up logs and configuration files into the Ops Manager installation directory.

All log files should be restored. Most, but not all, configuration file should be restored. Restore:
The settings for this Ops Manager deployment.
The encryption key for the backing databases of this Ops Manager deployment.


These commands restore the configuration files and logs from your home directory:

cp -a ~/mms_logs.backup <install_dir>/logs
cp -a ~/mms_conf.backup/ <install_dir>/conf/
cp -a ~/mms_conf.backup/gen.key <install_dir>/conf/gen.key

Optional. On each Ops Manager server, merge any needed changes into the mms.conf file from your backup.

The mms.conf file is rarely customized, as it contains port and Java configuration settings. If you customized these settings, copy those changes from your backup copy to the newly installed copy of mms.conf using your preferred text editor.


Start Ops Manager on every server.

Issue the following command:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms start