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Start or Stop the Automation Agent

For maintenance or troubleshooting purposes, you may want to temporarily shut down or restart the Automation Agent.

Start the Automation Agent

The procedure to Install the Automation Agent includes a step to start the agent. If you must restart the agent, use the following procedure.

If you installed the Automation Agent using an rpm package, such as on RHEL, CentOS, or SUSE, issue the following command to start the agent:

sudo service mongodb-mms-automation-agent start

If you installed the Automation Agent using a deb package, as on Ubuntu, issue the following command to start the agent:

sudo start mongodb-mms-automation-agent

Use this command if you installed to Linux or macOS using a tar file. Issue the following command from the directory to which you installed the Automation Agent:

nohup ./mongodb-mms-automation-agent >> automation-agent.log 2>&1 &
  1. Click the windows icon button.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Administrative Tools.
  4. Click Services.
  5. Click MongoDB Automation Agent.
  6. From the Action menu, select Start.

Stop the Automation Agent

If you installed the Automation Agent using an rpm package, such as on RHEL, CentOS, or SUSE, issue the following command to stop the agent:

sudo service mongodb-mms-automation-agent stop

If you installed the Automation Agent using a deb package, as on Ubuntu, issue the following command to stop the agent:

sudo stop mongodb-mms-automation-agent

If you installed to a Linux system or macOS using a tar file, issue the following command to stop the Automation Agent:

pkill -f mongodb-mms-automation-agent
  1. Click the windows icon button.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Click Administrative Tools.
  4. Click Services.
  5. Click MongoDB Automation Agent.
  6. From the Action menu, select Stop.