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Migrate a Replica Set Member to a New Server


For Ops Manager managed replica sets, you can replace one member of a replica set with another new member from the Ops Manager console. Use this process to migrate members of replica sets to new underlying servers. From a high level, this procedure requires that you: you add a member to the replica set on the new server and then shut down the existing member on the old server. Specifically, you will

  1. Provision the new server.
  2. Add an extra member to the replica set.
  3. Shut down old member of the replica set.
  4. Un-manage the old member (Optional).


Initial Sync

When you add a new replica set member, the member must perform an initial sync, which takes time to complete, depending on the size of your data set. For more information on initial sync, see Replica Set Data Synchronization.

Migrating Multiple Members

If you are moving multiple members to new servers, migrate each member separately to keep the replica set available.


Perform this procedure separately for each member of a replica set to migrate.


Provision the new server.

See Add Existing Servers to Ops Manager.


Select the Deployment tab and then the Deployment page.


Click edit mode, and then click the arrow to the right of the replica set and click the Edit button.


Add a member to the replica set.

In the Nodes Per Replica Set field, increase the number of members by 1, and then click Apply.


Verify changes.

Verify the server to which Ops Manager will deploy the new replica set member. If necessary, select a different server.

The Deployment page’s Topology View lists the new replica set member and indicates the server to which Ops Manager will deploy it.

If Ops Manager has not chosen the server you intended, click the Deployment page’s Server View to display your available servers and their processes. Processes not yet deployed can be dragged to different servers. Drag the new replica set member to the server to which to deploy it.


Click Review & Deploy.


Click Confirm & Deploy.

To view deployment progress, click View Agent Logs and select an agent at the top of the Agent Logs page. To check for updated entries, refresh the page.

If you diagnose an error and need to correct the deployment configuration, click Edit Configuration and then click Edit Configuration again. Reconfigure the deployment through the deployment arrow button or through the Add button. If you cannot find a solution, shut down the deployment. When you complete your changes, click Review & Deploy and then Confirm & Deploy.


Verify that the new member has synchronized.

Select the Deployment page’s view mode to view the new member’s status. Verify that the new member has synchronized and is no longer in the Recovering state.


Remove the old member from the replica set.

Select the Deployment page’s edit mode, and then click the arrow to the right of the replica set member. Then click the gear icon and select Remove Member. Then click Review & Deploy. Then click Confirm & Deploy.


Shut down the old member.

Select the arrow to the right of the removed replica set member, and then click the gear icon and select Shut Down. Then click Review & Deploy. Then click Confirm & Deploy.


Optionally, unmanage the old member.

Select the arrow to the right of the removed replica set member, and then click the gear icon and select Unmanage. Then click Review & Deploy. Then click Confirm & Deploy.