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Configure Local Mode if Ops Manager has No Internet Access


The Automation Agent requires access to MongoDB binaries in order to install MongoDB on new deployments or change MongoDB versions on existing ones. In a default configuration, the agents access the binaries over the internet from MongoDB Inc. If you deploy MongoDB on servers that have no internet access, you can run Automation by configuring Ops Manager to run in “local” mode, in which case the Automation Agents access the binaries from a directory on the Ops Manager Application server.

Specify the directory in the configuration file and then place .tgz archives of the binaries in that directory. The Automation Agents will use these archives for all MongoDB installs. The “mongodb-mms” user must possess the permissions to read the .tgz files in the “binaries” directory.

The following shows the ls -l output of the “binaries” directory for an example Ops Manager install that deploys only the versions of MongoDB listed:

$ cd /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases
$ ls -l
total 355032
-rw-r----- 1 mongodb-mms staff 116513825 Apr 27 15:06 mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.9.tgz
-rw-r----- 1 mongodb-mms staff  50194275 Apr 27 15:05 mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.2.tgz
-rw-r----- 1 mongodb-mms staff  95800685 Apr 27 15:05 mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-amzn64-2.6.9.tgz
-rw-r----- 1 mongodb-mms staff  50594134 Apr 27 15:04 mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-amzn64-3.0.2.tgz
-rw-r----- 1 mongodb-mms staff  50438645 Apr 27 15:04 mongodb-linux-x86_64-enterprise-suse11-3.0.2.tgz


Download Binaries Before Importing a Deployment

Populate the binaries directory with all required MongoDB versions before you import the deployment. If a version is missing, the Automation Agents will not be able to take control of the deployment.

Determine Which Binaries to Store

Your binaries directory will require archives of following versions:

  • versions used by existing deployments that you will import
  • versions you will use to create new deployments
  • versions you will use during an intermediary step in an upgrade. For example, if you will import an existing MongoDB 2.6 Community deployment and upgrade it first to MongoDB 3.0 Community and then to MongoDB 3.0 Enterprise, you must include all those editions and versions.

If you use both the MongoDB Community edition and the MongoDB Enterprise subscription edition, you must include the required versions of both.

The following table describes the archives required for specific versions:

Edition Version Archive
Community 2.6+, 2.4+ Linux archive at
Community 3.0+ Linux 64-bit legacy version at
Enterprise 3.0+, 2.6+, 2.4+ Platform-specific archive available from


If you run Ops Manager 1.6 and use Automation to deploy MongoDB Enterprise, then you must pre-install the MongoDB Enterprise Dependencies on your servers.

If your MongoDB Enterprise deployments use Enterprise’s advanced security features (SSL, LDAP, Kerberos, and auditing), you can use Ops Manager for Monitoring and Backup only. You cannot currently use Automation with the advanced security features. Automation will support these features in the next major Ops Manager release.

Prerequisite Packages Required for MongoDB Enterprise

If you use MongoDB Enterprise you must install the following prerequisite packages to each server that will run MongoDB Enterprise:

  • net-snmp
  • net-snmp-libs
  • openssl
  • net-snmp-utils
  • cyrus-sasl
  • cyrus-sasl-lib
  • cyrus-sasl-devel
  • cyrus-sasl-gssapi

To install these packages on RHEL, CentOS and Amazon Linux, you can issue the following command:

sudo yum install openssl net-snmp net-snmp-libs net-snmp-utils cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-lib cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-gssapi

Version Manifest

When you run in local mode, you must provide Ops Manager with the MongoDB version manifest, which lists all released MongoDB versions. You provide the manifest to make Ops Manager aware of MongoDB versions, but to make a version available to the Automation Agent, you must install the version’s archive on the Ops Manager Application server and then select it for use in the associated group’s Version Manager.

To provide Ops Manager with the manifest, , in the Ops Manager web interface, click Admin in the upper right, then click General, and then click Version Manifest. Here, you can update the manifest directly, if your browser has internet access. Otherwise, copy the manifest from and click the link for pasting in the manifest.

When MongoDB releases new versions, update the manifest.

Required Access

You must have Global Automation Admin or Global Owner access to perform this procedure.



Stop the Ops Manager Application if not yet running in local mode.

Use the command appropriate to your operating system.

On a Linux system installed with a package manager:

sudo service mongodb-mms stop

On a Linux system installed with a .tar file:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms stop

Edit the configuration file to enable local mode and to specify the local directory for MongoDB binaries.

Open with root privileges and set the following automation.versions values:

Set the automation.versions.source setting to the value local:


Set to the directory on the Ops Manager Application server where you will store .tgz archives of the MongoDB binaries for access by the Automation Agent.

For example:

Start the Ops Manager Application.

Use the command appropriate to your operating system.

On a Linux system installed with a package manager:

sudo service mongodb-mms start

On a Linux system installed with a .tar file:

<install_dir>/bin/mongodb-mms start

Populate the Ops Manager Application server directory with the .tgz files for the MongoDB binaries.

Populate the directory you specified in the setting with the necessary versions of MongoDB as determined by the Determine Which Binaries to Store topic on this page.


If you have not yet read the Determine Which Binaries to Store topic on this page, please do so before continuing with this procedure.

For example, to download MongoDB Enterprise 3.0 on Amazon Linux, issue a command similar to the following, replacing <download-url.tgz> with the download url for the archive:

sudo curl -OL <download-url.tgz>

Ensure that the “mongodb-mms” user can read the MongoDB binaries.

The “mongodb-mms” user must be able to read the .tgz files placed in the directory you specified in the

For example, if on a Linux platform you place the .tgz files in the /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases/ directory, you could use the following sequence of commands to change ownership for all files in that directory to “mongodb-mms”:

cd /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases/
sudo chown mongodb-mms:mongodb-mms ./*

Open Ops Manager.

If you have not yet registered a user, click the Register link and follow the prompts to register a user and create the first group. The first registered user is automatically assigned the Global Owner role.


Copy the version manifest to Ops Manager.

  1. If you have not already done so, copy the version manifest from
  2. Click the Admin link in the upper right to go to the system-wide Administration settings.
  3. Click the General tab and then click Version Manifest.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If your browser has internet access, click Update the MongoDB Version Manifest and paste in the manifest.
    • If your browser does not have internet access, follow the instructions on the page.

Specify which versions are available for download by Automation Agents associated with each group.

  1. Click Ops Manager in the upper left to leave the system-wide Administration settings.
  2. Click Deployment and then click Version Manager.
  3. Select the checkboxes for the versions of MongoDB that you have made available on the Ops Manager Application server.
  4. Click Review & Deploy at the top of the page.
  5. Click Confirm & Deploy.

Install the Automation Agent on each server on which you will manage MongoDB processes.

  1. Click Administration and then Agents.
  2. In the Automation section of the page, click the link for the operating system to which you will install. Following the installation instructions.
  3. Pre-install the MongoDB Enterprise Dependencies if deploying MongoDB Enterprise.