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Text Index Versions on Self-Managed Deployments

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  • Change Index Version

Text indexes are available in the following versions:

Text Index Version

Version 3

MongoDB 3.2 introduces version 3 of text indexes. Version 3 is the default version for text indexes created in MongoDB 3.2 and later.

Version 2

MongoDB 2.6 introduces version 2 of text indexes. Version 2 is the default version for text indexes created in MongoDB 2.6 to 3.0.

Version 1

MongoDB 2.4 introduces version 1 of text indexes. MongoDB 2.4 only supports version 1.


Always use the default index version when possible. Only override the default version if required for compatibility reasons.

To override the default version and specify a different version for your text index, set the textIndexVersion option when you create an index:

{ <field>: "text" },
{ "textIndexVersion": <version> }

The following command creates a version 2 text index on the content field:

{ "content": "text" },
{ "textIndexVersion": 2 }

