Connect to Multi-Cluster Resource from Outside Kubernetes
On this page
The following procedure describes how to connect to a MongoDBMultiCluster
deployed in Kubernetes from outside of the Kubernetes cluster.
Compatible MongoDB Versions
Databases that run MongoDB 4.2.3 or later allow you to access them outside of the Kubernetes cluster.
Configure Readiness Probe Overrides
If you create custom services that require external access to MongoDB custom
resources deployed by the Kubernetes Operator and use readiness probes
in Kubernetes, set the publishNotReadyAddresses
setting in Kubernetes to true
The publishNotReadyAddresses
setting indicates that an agent that
interacts with endpoints for this service should disregard the service's
state. Setting publishNotReadyAddresses
to true
overrides the
behavior of the readiness probe configured for the Pod hosting your service.
By default, the publishNotReadyAddresses
setting is set to false
In this case, when the Pods that host the MongoDB custom resources in the
Kubernetes Operator lose connectivity to Cloud Manager or Ops Manager, the
readiness probes configured for these Pods fail.
However, when you set the publishNotReadyAddresses
setting to true
Kubernetes does not shut down the service whose readiness probe fails.
Kubernetes considers all endpoints as ready even if the probes for the Pods hosting the services for these endpoints indicate that they aren't ready.
MongoDB custom resources are still available for read and write operations.
To connect to your Kubernetes Operator-deployed replica set with a MongoDBMultiCluster
from outside of the Kubernetes cluster:
Secure the Multi-Kubernetes Cluster with TLS.
Provide values for:
The TLS secret in
.The custom CA certificate in
Create an external service for the MongoDB Pods.
To connect to your multi-Kubernetes-cluster deployment from an external resource, configure the spec.externalAccess setting:
externalAccess: {}
This setting instructs the Kubernetes Operator to create an external LoadBalancer service for the MongoDB Pods in your multi-Kubernetes-cluster deployment. The external service provides an entry point for external connections. Adding this setting with no values creates an external service with the following default values:
Field | Value | Description |
| Name of the external service. You can't change this value. |
| Creates an external LoadBalancer service. |
| A port for |
| Specifies that DNS records
are created even if the Pod isn't ready.
Do not set to |
Optionally, if you need to add values to the service or override the default values, specify:
Annotations specific to your cloud provider, in spec.externalAccess.externalService.annotations
Overrides for the service specification, in spec.externalAccess.externalService.spec.
For example, the following settings override the default values for the external service to configure your multi-Kubernetes-cluster deployment to create NodePort services that expose the MongoDB Pods:
externalAccess: externalService: annotations: # cloud-specific annotations for the service spec: type: NodePort # default is LoadBalancer port: 27017 # you can specify other spec overrides if necessary
To learn more, see annotations and ServiceSpec in the Kubernetes documentation.
Optional: Configure an external service for cluster members.
If you need to configure settings for a specific cluster member, such as when you're hosting members on different cloud providers, you can override the global spec.externalAccess settings for a specific member by using the spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService setting.
To add values to the service or override the default values for a cluster member, specify:
Annotations specific to the cloud provider for the cluster member, in spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService.annotations.
Overrides specific to the cluster member, in spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService.spec.
For example, the following file configures your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment to create load balancer services that expose the multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment for cluster members deployed in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and AWS EKS.
The following example doesn't configure overrides, so the external services use the default values from the spec.externalAccess setting.
clusterSpecList: - clusterName: members: 2 externalAccess: externalService: annotations: "": "enabled" - clusterName: members: 2 externalAccess: externalService: annotations: "": "external", "": "instance", "": "internet-facing"
Verify the external services.
In each cluster, run the following command to verify that the Kubernetes Operator created the external service for your deployment.
kubectl get services
The command returns a list of services similar to the following output. For each database Pod in the cluster, the Kubernetes Operator creates an external service named <pod-name>-<cluster-idx>-<pod-idx>-svc-external. This service is configured according to the values and overrides you provide in the external service specification.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE <my-replica-set>-0-0-svc-external LoadBalancer <lb-ip-or-fqdn> 27017:27017/TCP 8m30s
Depending on your cluster configuration or cloud provider, the IP address of the LoadBalancer service is an externally accessible IP address or FQDN. You can use the IP address or FQDN to route traffic from your external domain.
Update your replica set resource YAML file.
Set the hostnames and ports in spec.connectivity.replicaSetHorizons
to the external service values that you created in the previous step.
Confirm that you specified the correct external hostnames. External hostnames should match the DNS names of Kubernetes worker nodes. These can be any nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. If the Pod runs on another node, Kubernetes nodes use internal routing.
apiVersion: kind: MongoDBMultiCluster metadata: name: multi-cluster-replica-set namespace: mongodb spec: clusterSpecList: - clusterName: members: 1 - clusterName: members: 1 - clusterName: members: 1 connectivity: replicaSetHorizons: - sample-horizon: - sample-horizon: - sample-horizon: credentials: my-credentials duplicateServiceObjects: false opsManager: configMapRef: name: my-project persistent: true security: certsSecretPrefix: clustercert tls: ca: ca-issuer type: ReplicaSet version: 4.4.0-ent"
Test the connection to the replica set.
In the development environment, for each host in a replica set, run the following command:
mongosh --host <my-replica-set>/ \ --port 30907 --ssl \ --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
Don't use the --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
flag in production.
In production, for each host in a replica set, specify the TLS certificate and the CA to securely connect to client tools or applications:
mongosh --host <my-replica-set>/ \ --port 30907 \ --tls \ --tlsCertificateKeyFile server.pem \ --tlsCAFile ca-pem
If the connection succeeds, you should see:
Enterprise <my-replica-set> [primary]