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MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator

Multi-Kubernetes-Cluster Resource Specification

On this page

  • Example
  • Required MongoDBMultiCluster Resource Settings
  • Optional MongoDBMultiCluster Resource Settings

The MongoDBMultiCluster resource defines your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment and gives the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator the information it needs to create or update your clusters, Ops Manager deployment, statefulSets, services, and other Kubernetes resources.

The following example shows a resource specification for a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment:

1# This example provides statefulSet overrides per cluster.
4kind: MongoDBMultiCluster
6 name: multi-replica-set
8 version: 6.0.0-ent
9 type: ReplicaSet
10 duplicateServiceObjects: false
11 credentials: my-credentials
12 opsManager:
13 configMapRef:
14 name: my-project
15 clusterSpecList:
16 - clusterName:
17 members: 2
18 statefulSet:
19 spec:
20 template:
21 spec:
22 containers:
23 # Example of custom sidecar containers. Remove it before using the file in production.
24 - name: sidecar1
25 image: busybox
26 command: [ "sleep" ]
27 args: [ "infinity" ]
28 # Use the following settings to override the default storage size of the "data" Persistent Volume.
29 volumeClaimTemplates:
30 - metadata:
31 name: data
32 spec:
33 resources:
34 requests:
35 storage: 1Gi
36 - clusterName:
37 members: 1
38 statefulSet:
39 spec:
40 template:
41 spec:
42 containers:
43 # Example of custom sidecar containers. Remove it before using the file in production.
44 - name: sidecar2
45 image: busybox
46 command: [ "sleep" ]
47 args: [ "infinity" ]
48 volumeClaimTemplates:
49 - metadata:
50 name: data
51 spec:
52 resources:
53 requests:
54 storage: 1Gi
55 - clusterName:
56 members: 1
57 statefulSet:
58 spec:
59 template:
60 spec:
61 containers:
62 # Example of custom sidecar containers. Remove it before using the file in production.
63 - name: sidecar3
64 image: busybox
65 command: [ "sleep" ]
66 args: [ "infinity" ]
67 volumeClaimTemplates:
68 - metadata:
69 name: data
70 spec:
71 resources:
72 requests:
73 storage: 1Gi

This section describes settings that you must use for your MongoDBMultiCluster resource.


Type: string

Version of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource schema.


Type: string

Kind of MongoDB Kubernetes resource to create. Set this to MongoDBMultiCluster.

Type: string

Name of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource you are creating.

Resource names must be 44 characters or less.


Type: string

Name of the secret you created as Ops Manager API authentication credentials for the Kubernetes Operator to communicate with Ops Manager.

The Ops Manager Kubernetes Secret object holding the Credentials must exist on the same Namespace as the resource you want to create.


Operator manages changes to the Secret

The Kubernetes Operator tracks any changes to the Secret and reconciles the state of the MongoDB resource.


Type: string

Type of MongoDB Kubernetes resource to create. The only accepted value for a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment is ReplicaSet.


Type: string

Version of MongoDB installed for this MongoDBMultiCluster resource.


Ensure that you choose a compatible MongoDB Server version.

Compatible versions differ depending on the base image that the MongoDB database resource uses.

MongoDBMultiCluster resources can use the following settings:


Type: collection

Additional configuration options with which you want to start MongoDB processes.

The Kubernetes Operator supports all configuration options that the MongoDB version you deploy through the MongoDB Agent supports, except that the Kubernetes Operator overrides values that you provide for any of the following options:

  • net.port

  • net.tls.certificateKeyFile

  • net.tls.clusterFile

  • replication.replSetName

  • security.clusterAuthMode

  • sharding.clusterRole

  • storage.dbPath

  • systemLog.destination

  • systemLog.path

To learn more about the configuration options that the Kubernetes Operator owns, see MongoDB Kubernetes Operator Exclusive Settings.

To learn which configuration options you can use, see Advanced Options for MongoDB Deployments in the Ops Manager documentation.


Type: collection

MongoDB Agent configuration settings for the MongoDB database resource.


Type: collection

MongoDB Agent settings with which you want to start the MongoDB database resource.

You must provide MongoDB Agent settings as key-value pairs. The values must be strings. For a list of supported MongoDB Agent settings, see:


Type: collection

The collection container for spec.backup.mode, which enables continuous backups for MongoDB resources in Kubernetes Operator.


Type: array

A list of assignment labels for the Backup Daemon Service processes. Use assignment labels to identify that specific backup daemon processes are associated with particular projects. If you set assignment labels using the Kubernetes Operator, the values that you set in the Kubernetes configuration file for assignment labels override the values defined in the Ops Manager UI. Assignment labels that you don't set using the Kubernetes Operator continue to use the values set in the Ops Manager UI.


Type: boolean

Flag that indicates whether the Kubernetes Operator stops and terminates the backup when you delete a MongoDBMultiCluster resource. The default value is false. Setting this flag to true is useful when you want to delete the MongoDBMultiCluster resource while the spec.backup.mode setting is set to enabled.


Type: object

Object that contains the backup encryption configuration settings.


Type: object

Object that contains the KMIP backup encryption configuration settings. To learn more, see Configure KMIP Backup Encryption for Ops Manager.


Type: object

Object that contains the KMIP backup encryption client configuration settings.


Type: string

Enables continuous backups for a MongoDBMultiCluster resource. Possible values are enabled, disabled, and terminated.


The spec.backup.mode setting relies on Backup that is enabled in Ops Manager and requires that the spec.backup.enabled value in the Ops Manager resource specification is set to true.

After you enable continuous backups for your MongoDB resource with spec.backup.mode, you can check the backup status.


Type: collection

Collection container for snapshot schedule settings for continuous backups for MongoDB resources in Kubernetes Operator.


Type: number

Number of days to keep daily snapshots. You can set a value between 1 and 365, inclusive. Setting the value to 0 disables this rule.


Type: string

Day of the week when Ops Manager takes a full snapshot. This setting ensures a recent complete backup. Ops Manager sets the default value to SUNDAY.


Type: number

Number of months to keep monthly snapshots. You can set a value between 1 and 36, inclusive. Setting the value to 0 disables this rule.


Type: number

Number of hours in the past for which you can create a point-in-time snapshot.


Type: number

UTC hour of the day to schedule snapshots using a 24 hour clock. You can set a value between 0 and 23, inclusive.


Type: number

UTC minute of the hour to schedule snapshots. You can set a value between 0 and 59, inclusive.


Type: number

Number of hours between snapshots. You can set a value of 6, 8, 12, or 24.


Type: number

Number of days to keep recent snapshots. You can set a value between 2 and 5, inclusive.


Type: number

Number of weeks to keep weekly snapshots. You can set a value between 1 and 52, inclusive. Setting the value to 0 disables this rule.

Type: string

Alias for


Type: collection

List of specifications for each Kubernetes cluster in a MongoDBMultiCluster resource.


Type: string

Name of the cluster where the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator schedules the StatefulSet. When the Kubernetes Operator deploys this MongoDBMultiCluster resource, it creates a service account. This name is what the service account in the central cluster uses to communicate with the workload clusters.


Type: string

An external domain used to externally expose your replica set deployment.

By default, each replica set member uses the Kubernetes Pod's FQDN (*.svc.cluster.local) as the default hostname. However, if you add an external domain to this setting, the replica set uses a hostname that is a subdomain of the specified domain instead. This hostname uses the following format:


For example:

After you deploy the replica set with this setting, the Kubernetes Operator uses the hostname with the external domain to override the processes[n].hostname field in the Ops Manager automation configuration. Then, the MongoDB Agent uses this hostname to connect to mongod.

To specify other hostnames for connecting to the replica set, you can use the spec.connectivity.replicaSetHorizons setting. However, the following connections still use the hostname with the external domain:

WARNING: Specifying this field changes how Ops Manager registers mongod processes. You can specify this field only for new replica set deployments starting in Kubernetes Operator version 1.19. You can't change the value of this field or any processes[n].hostname fields in the Ops Manager automation configuration for a running replica set deployment.


Use this setting only when deploying a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment replica set without a service mesh. See Deploy Replica Sets in a Multi-Kubernetes Cluster without a Service Mesh.


Type: collection

Configuration for externally exposing a specific cluster in your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. These settings override the global spec.externalAccess.externalService settings.

When you set the spec.externalAccess setting, the Kubernetes Operator automatically creates an external load balancer service with default values. You can override certain values or add new values depending on your needs. For example, if you intend to create NodePort services and don't need a load balancer, you must configure overrides in your Kubernetes specification:

# cloud-specific annotations for the service
type: NodePort # default is LoadBalancer
# you can specify other spec overrides if necessary

For more information about the Kubernetes specification, see ServiceSpec in the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Key-value pairs that let you add cloud provider-specific configuration settings to a specific cluster in your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. This setting overrides the global setting, spec.externalAccess.externalService.annotations. To learn more, see annotations and the documentation for your Kubernetes cloud provider.

You can use annotations to specify placeholder values for external services used by Kubernetes Operator deployments. The Kubernetes Operator automatically replaces these values with the correct values as described in the following table. Using placeholders allows you to provide specific annotations in each service for a specific Pod.

Index of the Pod assigned by the StatefulSet and targeted by the current external service.
Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}-{podIndex}.
The current cluster name set in spec.clusterSpecList.clusterName.

The index initially assigned by the Kubernetes Operator for the current cluster name set in spec.clusterSpecList.clusterName.

This value might not reflect the order of the member clusters defined in spec.clusterSpecList. Although you can change the order of member clusters in spec.clusterSpecList, the Kubernetes Operator still uses the index that it initially assigned for the current cluster name.

The StatefulSet. Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}.
Generated name of the external service, based on the placeholder values that you specified. Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}-{podIndex}-svc-external.

The domain name of the server that is hosting the mongod process. Equal to spec.externalAccess.externalDomain if specified. Otherwise, equal to the domain used for the mongod process FQDN.

For example, for the process hostname, is the domain name.


The mongod process hostname set in the automation configuration.

The process hostname depends on your deployment configuration. If you've configured your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment to use external domains, such as for a deployment without service mesh, the process hostname uses the following format:


For example:

If your deployment doesn't use external domains, the process hostname uses the following format:


For example: mdb-rs-1-svc.ns.svc.cluster.local


You must use only known placeholder values as specified in the table and ensure that your placeholders don't use empty or null values. Otherwise, Kubernetes Operator returns an error. For example, you might encounter the following error message:

error replacing placeholders in map with, value={resourceName}-{podIndex}-{unknownPlaceholder}.{clusterName}-{clusterIndex} missing values for the following placeholders: {clusterName}, {clusterIndex}, {unknownPlaceholder}``


The following example specifies the {resourceName}, {podIndex}, and {namespace} placeholders:

kind: MongoDB
name: mdb-rs
namespace: ns
replicas: 3
annotations: {resourceName}-{podIndex}-{namespace}

The Kubernetes Operator automatically populates the annotations for the external services based on the proper value for each placeholder. For example:


Type: collection

Configuration for the ServiceSpec. To learn more, see spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService.


Type: collection

Specification for each MongoDB replica set and its members in your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.

The order of the elements in the object for each replica set must reflect the order of members in the replica set. For example, the first element affects the Pod at index 0, the second element affects index 1, and so on.


Consider the following example specification for a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment with three replica sets:

kind: MongoDBMultiCluster
name: multi-replica-set
version: 6.0.0-ent
type: ReplicaSet
duplicateServiceObjects: false
credentials: my-credentials
name: my-project
- clusterName:
members: 2
- votes: 1
priority: "0.5"
tag1: "value1"
environment: "prod"
- votes: 1
priority: "1.5"
tag2: "value2"
environment: "prod"
- clusterName:
members: 1
- votes: 1
priority: "0.5"
tag1: "value1"
environment: "prod"
- clusterName:
members: 1
- votes: 1
priority: "0.5"
tag1: "value1"
environment: "prod"

Type: string

Number that indicates the relative likelihood of a MongoDB replica set member to become the primary.

  • To increase the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a higher priority value.

  • To decrease the relative likelihood that a replica set member becomes the primary, specify a lower priority value.

For example, a member with a memberConfig.priority of 1.5 is more likely than a member with a memberConfig.priority of 0.5 to become the primary.

A member with a memberConfig.priority of 0 is ineligible to become the primary. To learn more, see Member Priority.


Type: map

Map of replica set tags for directing read and write operations to specific members of your MongoDB replica set.


Type: number

Determines whether a MongoDB replica set member can vote in an election. Set to 1 to allow the member to vote. Set to 0 to exclude the member from an election.


Type: number

Number of members in the MongoDB replica set.


Type: string

Default: <resource_name>+"-service"

Name of the Kubernetes service you want to create or use for a StatefulSet. If a service with this name already exists, the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator does not delete or recreate it. This setting lets you create your own custom services and lets the Kubernetes Operator reuse them.


Type: collection

Provides the configuration for the StatefulSet override for each of the cluster's StatefulSets in a multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. To set the global configuration that applies to all clusters in your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment, see spec.statefulSet.spec.

This setting applies only to replica set resource types in multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployments.


Type: collection

Allows you to provide different DNS settings for client applications and the MongoDB Agents. The Kubernetes Operator uses split horizon DNS for replica set members. This feature allows communication both within the Kubernetes cluster and from outside Kubernetes.

You can add multiple external mappings per host.


In this example, clients communicate with the replica set using the example-website horizon.

15 security:
16 tls:
17 enabled: true
18 connectivity:
19 replicaSetHorizons:
20 - "example-website": ""
21 - "example-website": ""
22 - "example-website": ""

Type: boolean

Default: true

Specifies whether the Kubernetes Operator duplicates a Pod's service mesh object in each cluster to allow DNS resolution. Set to false if you configure a DNS proxy for your service mesh. For example, see DNS Proxying in the Istio documentation.


Type: collection

Specification to expose your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment for external connections. To learn how to connect to your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment from outside of the Kubernetes cluster, see Connect to Multi-Cluster Resource from Outside Kubernetes.

These settings apply to services across all clusters. To override these global settings in a specific cluster, use spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService.

If you add spec.externalAccess, the Kubernetes Operator creates an external service for each Pod in a replica set. External services provide an external entry point for each MongoDB database Pod in a cluster. Each external service has selectors that match the external service to a specific Pod.

If you add this setting without any values, the Kubernetes Operator creates an external service with the following default values:

Name of the external service. You can't change this value.
Creates an external LoadBalancer service.
<Port Number>
A port for mongod.
Specifies that DNS records are created even if the Pod isn't ready. Do not set to false for any database Pod.


If you set spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalDomain, the external service adds another port (Port Number + 1) for backups.


Type: collection

Specification for overriding the default values in spec.externalAccess.

When you set the spec.externalAccess setting, the Kubernetes Operator automatically creates an external load balancer service with default values. You can override certain values or add new values depending on your needs. For example, if you intend to create NodePort services and don't need a load balancer, you must configure overrides in your Kubernetes specification:

# cloud-specific annotations for the service
type: NodePort # default is LoadBalancer
# you can specify other spec overrides if necessary

For more information about the Kubernetes specification, see ServiceSpec in the Kubernetes documentation.


Type: collection

Key-value pairs that let you add cloud provider-specific configuration settings to all clusters in your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. For cluster-specific overrides, see spec.clusterSpecList.externalAccess.externalService.annotations. To learn more, see annotations and the documentation for the cloud provider you use for Kubernetes deployments.

You can use annotations to specify placeholder values for external services used by Kubernetes Operator deployments. The Kubernetes Operator automatically replaces these values with the correct values as described in the following table. Using placeholders allows you to provide specific annotations in each service for a specific Pod.

Index of the Pod assigned by the StatefulSet and targeted by the current external service.
Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}-{podIndex}.
The current cluster name set in spec.clusterSpecList.clusterName.

The index initially assigned by the Kubernetes Operator for the current cluster name set in spec.clusterSpecList.clusterName.

This value might not reflect the order of the member clusters defined in spec.clusterSpecList. Although you can change the order of member clusters in spec.clusterSpecList, the Kubernetes Operator still uses the index that it initially assigned for the current cluster name.

The StatefulSet. Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}.
Generated name of the external service, based on the placeholder values that you specified. Equal to {resourceName}-{clusterIndex}-{podIndex}-svc-external.

The domain name of the server that is hosting the mongod process. Equal to spec.externalAccess.externalDomain if specified. Otherwise, equal to the domain used for the mongod process FQDN.

For example, for the process hostname, is the domain name.


The mongod process hostname set in the automation configuration.

The process hostname depends on your deployment configuration. If you've configured your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment to use external domains, such as for a deployment without service mesh, the process hostname uses the following format:


For example:

If your deployment doesn't use external domains, the process hostname uses the following format:


For example: mdb-rs-1-svc.ns.svc.cluster.local


You must use only known placeholder values as specified in the table and ensure that your placeholders don't use empty or null values. Otherwise, Kubernetes Operator returns an error. For example, you might encounter the following error message:

error replacing placeholders in map with, value={resourceName}-{podIndex}-{unknownPlaceholder}.{clusterName}-{clusterIndex} missing values for the following placeholders: {clusterName}, {clusterIndex}, {unknownPlaceholder}``


The following example specifies the {resourceName}, {podIndex}, and {namespace} placeholders:

kind: MongoDB
name: mdb-rs
namespace: ns
replicas: 3
annotations: {resourceName}-{podIndex}-{namespace}

The Kubernetes Operator automatically populates the annotations for the external services based on the proper value for each placeholder. For example:


Type: collection

Configuration for the ServiceSpec. To learn more, see spec.externalAccess.externalService.


Type: number

Limits changes to data that occur with an upgrade to a new major version. This allows you to downgrade to the previous major version. To learn more about feature compatibility, see setFeatureCompatibilityVersion in the MongoDB Manual.


Type: string

Configures the level of Automation Agent logging inside the Pod. Accepted values include:


  • INFO

  • WARN



Type: string

Name of the ConfigMap with the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager connection configuration. The setting is an alias for this setting and can be used in its place.

This value must exist on the same namespace as the resource you want to create.


Operator manages changes to the ConfigMap

The Kubernetes Operator tracks any changes to the ConfigMap and reconciles the state of the MongoDB resource.


Type: boolean

Default: true

WARNING: Grant your containers permission to write to your Persistent Volume. The Kubernetes Operator sets fsGroup = 2000, runAsUser = 2000, and runAsNonRoot = true in securityContext. Kubernetes Operator sets fsgroup equal to runAsUser to make the volume writable for a user that runs the main process in the container. To learn more, see Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container and the related discussion in the Kubernetes documentation. If redeploying the resource doesn't fix issues with your Persistent Volume, contact MongoDB Support.

If you do not use Persistent Volumes, the Disk Usage and Disk IOPS charts cannot be displayed in either the Processes tab on the Deployment page or in the Metrics page when reviewing the data for this deployment.

Type: collection

Authentication specifications for your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.

Type: collection

MongoDB Agent authentication configuration for the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager project.

Type: string

The Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP group to which the MongoDB Agent user belongs.

This setting is required if:

Type: collection

Details of the secret that contains the password for the user.

This setting is required if is LDAP.

Type: string

Key in the secret that contains the password for the user in

This setting is required if is LDAP.

Type: string

Name of the secret that contains the password for the user. You must create this secret in the same namespace to which you deploy the Kubernetes Operator:

kubectl create secret generic ldap-agent-user \
--from-literal="password=<password>" -n <metadata.namespace>

This secret must contain one key, the value of which matches the password of the user in your LDAP deployment.

This setting is required if is LDAP.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether these options are required or optional:

Type: string

Name of the user that the MongoDB Agents use to interact with your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment. The username is mapped to an LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) according to The resulting DN must already exist in your LDAP deployment.

This setting is required if is LDAP.

Type: string

Default: agent-certs

Specifies the secret that contains the MongoDB Agent's TLS certificate.

This secret must contain the following keys, the values of which are TLS certificates that can be validated by the server:

  • mms-automation-agent-pem

  • mms-backup-agent-pem

  • mms-monitoring-agent-pem

You must create this secret in the same namespace to which you deploy the Kubernetes Operator:

kubectl create secret generic agent-certs \
--from-file=mms-automation-agent-pem=<automation-cert.pem> \
--from-file=mms-backup-agent-pem=<backup-cert.pem> \
--from-file=mms-monitoring-agent-pem=<monitoring-cert.pem> \

Type: boolean

Default: false

Specifies whether authentication is enabled on the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager project. If set to true, you must set an authentication mechanism in


The Kubernetes Operator manages authentication for this MongoDB resource if you include this setting, even if it is set to false. You can't configure authentication for this resource using the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager user interface or APIs while this setting exists in the resource specification.

Omit this setting if you want to manage authentication using the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager user interface or APIs.

Type: string

The authentication mechanism that the MongoDB Agents for your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment use. Valid values are SCRAM, SCRAM-SHA-1, MONGODB-CR, X509, and LDAP. The value you specify must also be present in We recommend SCRAM-SHA-256 (SCRAM) over SCRAM-SHA-1. If you specify SCRAM-SHA-1, you must also specify MONGODB-CR.

This setting is required if you specified more than one value for

Type: boolean

Default: false

Determines whether you can modify database users that were not configured through the Kubernetes Operator, or the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager user interface.

To manage database users directly through the mongod or mongos, set to true.

Type: string

Specifies whether X.509 internal cluster authentication is enabled.

To enable X.509 internal cluster authentication, set to "X509". Requires that the following settings be specified:

The Kubernetes Operator accepts the following values:

  • ["X509"]: X.509 internal cluster authentication is enabled.

  • "" or omitted: internal cluster authentication is not enabled.


After you enable internal cluster authentication, you can't disable it.

Type: collection

Required for LDAP authentication.

Configures LDAP authentication for the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager project. To enable LDAP authentication, set to ["LDAP"].

Type: string

Required for LDAP authorization.

An RFC4515 and RFC4516 LDAP-formatted query URL template executed by MongoDB to obtain the LDAP groups that the user belongs to. The query is relative to the host or hosts specified in You can use the following tokens in the template:

  • {USER}
    Substitutes the authenticated username, or the transformed username, into the LDAP query.
    Substitutes the supplied username, before either authentication or LDAP transformation, into the LDAP query. (Available starting in MongoDB version 4.2).

For more details, see LDAP Query Templates in the MongoDB Manual.

Type: collection

Required for LDAP authentication.

Specifies the secret that contains the password with which MongoDB binds when connecting to the LDAP server.

Type: string

Required for LDAP authentication.

Name of the secret that contains the password with which MongoDB binds when connecting to the LDAP server.

The secret must contain only one password field which stores the password.

Type: string

Required for LDAP authentication.

LDAP Distinguished Name to which MongoDB binds when connecting to the LDAP server.

Type: collection

Required for LDAP authentication with TLS.

ConfigMap that contains a CA which validates the LDAP server's TLS certificate.

Type: string

Required for LDAP authentication with TLS.

Field name that stores the CA which validates the LDAP server's TLS certificate.

Type: string

Required for LDAP authentication with TLS.

Name of the ConfigMap that contains a CA which validates the LDAP server's TLS certificate.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether these options are required or optional:

Type: array of strings

Required for LDAP authentication.

List of hostnames and ports of the LDAP servers. Specify hostnames with their respective ports in the following format:

- "<hostname1>:<port1>"
- "<hostname2>:<port2>"

Type: integer

Specifies how many milliseconds an authentication request should wait before timing out.

Type: string

Required for LDAP authentication.

Specifies whether the LDAP server accepts TLS.

If the LDAP server accepts TLS, set the value to tls. If the LDAP server doesn't accept TLS, leave this value blank or set the value to none.


If you specify a string other than none or tls, Kubernetes Operator still sets the setting to tls.

Type: integer

Specifies how many seconds MongoDB waits to flush the LDAP user cache. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Type: string

Maps the username provided to mongod or mongos for authentication to an LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).

For more details, see security.ldap.userToDNMapping in the MongoDB Manual.

Type: array

Specifies the authentication mechanism that your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment uses. Valid values are SCRAM, SCRAM-SHA-1, MONGODB-CR, X509, and LDAP. We recommend SCRAM-SHA-256 (SCRAM) over SCRAM-SHA-1. If you specify SCRAM-SHA-1, you must also specify MONGODB-CR.


To enable X.509 internal cluster authentication for the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager project, set this value to ["X509"] and specify the following settings:

If you provide more than one value for, you must also specify a value for

Type: boolean

Default: false

Specifies whether the MongoDB host requires clients to connect using a TLS certificate. Defaults to true if you enable TLS authentication.

To enable TLS authentication, provide a value for the setting.

Type: string

Text to prefix to the Kubernetes secrets that you created that contain your replica set's TLS keys and certificates.

You must prefix your secrets with <prefix>-<>.

For example, if you call your deployment my-deployment and you set the prefix to mdb, you must name the TLS secret for the client TLS communications mdb-my-deployment-cert. Also, you must name the TLS secret for internal cluster authentication (if enabled) mdb-my-deployment-clusterfile.

To learn more about naming the secrets that contain your TLS certificates, see the topic in Multi-Kubernetes-Cluster Quick Start that applies to your deployment.

Type: array

Array that defines User-defined roles that give you fine-grained access control over your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.

To enable user-defined roles, the must be true.


In this example, a user-defined role named customRole allows users assigned this role to:

  • Insert documents into the cats collection in the pets database, and

  • Find and insert documents into the dogs collection in the pets database.

1 security:
2 authentication:
3 enabled: true
4 modes:
5 - "SCRAM"
6 roles:
7 - role: "customRole"
8 db: admin
9 privileges:
10 - actions:
11 - insert
12 resource:
13 collection: cats
14 db: pets
15 - actions:
16 - insert
17 - find
18 resource:
19 collection: dogs
20 db: pets

Type: array

Array that defines the IP address from and to which users assigned this can connect.

Type: array

Array of IP addresses or CIDR blocks from which users assigned this can connect.

MongoDB servers reject connection requests from users with this role if the requests come from a client that is not present in this array.

Type: array

Array of IP addresses or CIDR blocks to which users assigned this can connect.

MongoDB servers reject connection requests from users with this role if the client requests to connect to a server that is not present in this array.

Type: string

The database in which to store the user-defined role.



Type: array

Array that describes the privileges that users granted this role possess.

Type: array

List of actions that users granted this role can perform. For a list of accepted values, see Privilege Actions in the MongoDB Manual for the MongoDB versions you deploy with the Kubernetes Operator.

Type: collection

Resources for which the privilege apply.

This collection must include either:

Type: boolean

Default: false

Flag that indicates that the privilege apply to all databases and collections in the MongoDB deployment.

If set to true, do not provide values for and

Type: string

Collection in the for which the privilege apply.

If you provide a value for this setting, you must also provide a value for

Type: string

Database for which the privilege apply.

If you provide a value for this setting, you must also provide a value for

Type: string

Name of the user-defined role.

Type: collection

List of every domain that should be added to TLS certificates to each Pod in this deployment. When you set this parameter, every CSR that the Kubernetes Operator transforms into a TLS certificate includes a SAN in the form <pod name>.<additional cert domain>.

Replica set resources don't need this parameter. Use spec.connectivity.replicaSetHorizons instead.


If you add this parameter to a TLS-enabled resource, Kubernetes displays an error when the resource reaches the Pending state. This error displays: Please manually remove the |csr| in order to proceed. To remedy this issue:

  1. Remove any existing CSRs so that Kubernetes can generate new CSRs. To learn how to delete a resource, see the deleting resources in the Kubernetes documentation.

  2. Approve the CSRs after Kubernetes generates them.

Type: string

Provide the name of the ConfigMap that stores the CA.


If you use a custom CA to sign your TLS certificates for the MongoDBMultiCluster resource, you must specify this parameter.

The Kubernetes Operator requires that you name the certificate for the MongoDBMultiCluster resource ca-pem in the ConfigMap.

Type: boolean

Important is deprecated starting in Kubernetes Operator version 1.19 and will be removed in a future Kubernetes Operator release. To enable TLS, provide a value for the setting.

Encrypts communications using TLS certificates between:

  • MongoDB hosts in a replica set or sharded cluster configuration

  • Clients (mongo shell, drivers, MongoDB Compass, and others) and the MongoDB deployment


Type: collection

Global specification for the StatefulSet that the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates for your multi-Kubernetes cluster MongoDB deployment.

To review which fields you can add to spec.statefulSet.spec, see StatefulSetSpec v1 apps in the Kubernetes documentation.


MongoDB Database Resource Specification