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Delete Multiple Documents

You can delete multiple documents from a collection in a single operation by calling the delete_many() method on a Collection instance.

Pass a query filter to the delete_many() method to delete documents in the collection that match the filter. If you do not include a filter, MongoDB deletes all the documents in the collection.

The delete_many() method returns a DeleteResult type. This type contains information about the delete operation, such as the total number of documents deleted.

To learn more about delete operations, see the Delete Documents guide.


To delete all documents in a collection, consider calling the drop() method on a Collection instance. To learn more about the drop() method, see the Drop a Collection section of the Databases and Collections guide.

This example deletes all documents that match a query filter from the restaurants collection in the sample_restaurants database. The delete_many() method deletes documents in which the value of the borough field is "Manhattan" and the value of the address.street field is "Broadway".

You can access the documents in the restaurants collection as instances of the Document type or a custom data type. To specify which data type represents the collection's data, replace the <T> type parameter on the highlighted line with one of the following values:

  • <Document>: Accesses collection documents as BSON documents

  • <Restaurant>: Accesses collection documents as instances of the Restaurant struct, defined at the top of the code

Select the Asynchronous or Synchronous tab to see the corresponding code for each runtime:

use mongodb::{
bson::{ Document, doc },
use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Address {
street: String,
city: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Restaurant {
name: String,
borough: String,
address: Address,
async fn main() -> mongodb::error::Result<()> {
let uri = "<connection string>";
let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri).await?;
// Replace <T> with the <Document> or <Restaurant> type parameter
let my_coll: Collection<T> = client
let filter =
doc! { "$and": [
doc! { "borough": "Manhattan" },
doc! { "address.street": "Broadway" }
let result = my_coll.delete_many(filter).await?;
println!("Deleted documents: {}", result.deleted_count);
// Your values might differ
Deleted documents: 615
use mongodb::{
bson::{ Document, doc },
sync::{ Client, Collection }
use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize };
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Address {
street: String,
city: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Restaurant {
name: String,
borough: String,
address: Address,
fn main() -> mongodb::error::Result<()> {
let uri = "<connection string>";
let client = Client::with_uri_str(uri)?;
// Replace <T> with the <Document> or <Restaurant> type parameter
let my_coll: Collection<T> = client
let filter =
doc! { "$and": [
doc! { "borough": "Manhattan" },
doc! { "address.street": "Broadway" }
let result = my_coll.delete_many(filter).run()?;
println!("Deleted documents: {}", result.deleted_count);
// Your values might differ
Deleted documents: 615


Delete One