This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported.

Release Notes for MongoDB Connector for BI

MongoDB Connector for BI 2.1

  • Substantial performance improvements for some common JOIN scenarios.
  • Improvements to index utilization by pushing $match stages earlier in the aggregation pipeline.
  • More SQL functions and operators are pushed down to the aggregation pipeline.
  • Support for additional SQL language features, such as USE and SHOW CREATE TABLE statements, STRAIGHT_JOIN, the unary plus (+) operator, and the INTERVAL keyword in date arithmetic.


mongosqld no longer offers the --fork option.

To run mongosqld in the background, use the nohup command:

nohup mongosqld [options] &

MongoDB Connector for BI 2.0

Released Nov 29, 2016

Improved Server-Side Execution

The MongoDB Connector for BI delivers significant performance and scalability improvements by moving as much execution as possible to the underlying MongoDB instance. Pushing execution down to the server reduces network latency and reduces bandwidth consumption.

This approach also reduces memory and CPU consumption in the MongoDB Connector for BI itself.

Pass-through Authentication

The user authentication process is now passed through the MongoDB Connector for BI to the underlying MongoDB instance. Users now authenticate as a user already created within MongoDB.

Simplified Architecture

The MongoDB Connector for BI package is now trimmed down from four separate components to two:

This tool connects to a MongoDB instance and generates a Document-Relational Definition Language (DRDL) file, which maps a given collection shape to relational schema.

Once installed and run as a daemon, mongosqld responds to SQL queries, requests for DB information, and schema from the requesting BI tool via the MySQL wire protocol.

mongosqld requires at least one Document Relational Definition Language file to start. You will need to have defined your schema with mongodrdl before starting mongosqld.

SQL Compatibility

MongoDB Connector for BI Version 2.x is compatible with SQL-99 SELECT statements, and uses the MySQL wire protocol.

MongoDB Connector for BI 2.0.2

Released Jan 5, 2017

  • Hide .pem key file passwords in logs.
  • mongodrdl ignores binary fields when generating DRDL files.
  • Support queries that SELECT variables prefixed with “mongodb”.
  • Fix incorrect result set from a cross join.
  • Support leading “.” characters on table names.

MongoDB Connector for BI 2.0.1

Released Dec 13, 2016

  • Fixed precedence issue with the NOT operator.
  • Fixed error looking up privilege information in databases with capital letters.
  • Support LIKE pattern matching in SHOW COLUMNS queries.
  • Improved formatting of aggregation pipeline in logs.
  • Fixed bug in substring function when the combined length of the starting index and substring exceeds the length of the string.

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.0

Released Dec 8, 2015

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.0 is now available. It allows users to visualize their MongoDB Enterprise data using existing relational business intelligence tools.

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.1.3

Released Apr 4, 2016

  • Improve join performance.
  • Support packages for Debian and Ubuntu.

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.1.2

Released Feb 3, 2016

  • Push down ORDER BY clause as a $sort stage in the aggregation pipeline.

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.1.1

Released Jan 27, 2016

  • Ignore collections prefixed with “system.” when generating the DRDL file for a database with mongodrdl.
  • Check if file is writable before sampling when generating the DRDL file with program:mongodrdl.

MongoDB Connector for BI 1.1.0

Released Jan 12, 2016

  • Support renaming columns using the sqlname field in DRDL files.
  • Support the mongotype: geo.2darray DRDL field for mapping geospatial data.