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Connect to your cluster in mongosh.

Open mongosh in a terminal window and connect to your cluster. For detailed instructions on connecting, see Connect via mongosh.


Switch to the sample_analytics database.

Run the following command at mongosh prompt:

use sample_analytics
switched to db sample_analytics

Run the following $lookup with Atlas Search $search query.

The following query uses the following stages:

  • $lookup to do the following:

    • Join customers and accounts collections in the sample_analytics database based on the account ID of the customers and return the matching documents from the accounts collection in an array field named purchases.

    • Use $search stage in the sub-pipeline to search for customer accounts that must have purchased both CurrencyService and InvestmentStock with preference for an order limit between 5000 to 10000.

  • $limit stage to limit the output to 5 results.

  • $project stage to exclude the specified fields in the results.

"from": "accounts",
"localField": "accounts",
"foreignField": "account_id",
"as": "purchases",
"pipeline": [{
"$search": {
"index": "lookup-with-search-tutorial",
"compound": {
"must": [{
"queryString": {
"defaultPath": "products",
"query": "products: (CurrencyService AND InvestmentStock)"
"should": [{
"range": {
"path": "limit",
"gte": 5000,
"lte": 10000
"$project": {
"_id": 0
"$limit": 5
"$project": {
"_id": 0,
"address": 0,
"birthdate": 0,
"username": 0,
"tier_and_details": 0
name: 'Elizabeth Ray',
email: '',
active: true,
accounts: [ 371138, 324287, 276528, 332179, 422649, 387979 ],
purchases: [
account_id: 422649,
limit: 10000,
products: [ 'CurrencyService', 'InvestmentStock' ]
account_id: 324287,
limit: 10000,
products: [
account_id: 332179,
limit: 10000,
products: [
name: 'Lindsay Cowan',
email: '',
accounts: [ 116508 ],
purchases: []
name: 'Katherine David',
email: '',
accounts: [ 462501, 228290, 968786, 515844, 377292 ],
purchases: [
account_id: 228290,
limit: 10000,
products: [
account_id: 515844,
limit: 10000,
products: [
name: 'Leslie Martinez',
email: '',
accounts: [ 170945, 951849 ],
purchases: []
name: 'Brad Cardenas',
email: '',
accounts: [ 721914, 817222, 973067, 260799, 87389 ],
purchases: [
account_id: 87389,
limit: 10000,
products: [ 'CurrencyService', 'InvestmentStock' ]
account_id: 260799,
limit: 10000,
products: [
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