Writes are taking more than 2000ms

In my production environment write operations on two collections in different databases taking more than 2 seconds. the average document size 76 bytes.

sample documents for collection 1

        "_id" : "323211432059985529055037_20211020_10377",
        "roundId" : "0002315350"
        "_id" : "323200763200001781310030_20211020_10377",
        "roundId" : "0002315418"

Collection1 stats:

Documents : 501297
Size : 38958213
Storage size : 18665472
Indexes : 1
Index size : 23564288

sample documents for collection 2

{ "_id" : "8124774a-986e-4a5a-9f8e-599d2c169a0d" }
{ "_id" : "9ea21fda-f102-49c0-b2f9-9bdd00c954c3" }
{ "_id" : "8d0bd540-00a2-40d1-8c87-a767e954e070" }
{ "_id" : "f1c3fa70-c05b-44e8-bad1-f4d48d9e4479" }
{ "_id" : "8d003e6b-072e-460e-897f-f6abe677bfeb" }

Collection2 stats:

Documents : 25699830
Size : 1310692010
Storage size : 1266847744
Indexes : 1
Index size : 1252200448

we do not have any extra indexes on these two collections expect default index _id, but _id is not an objectID as shown in the sample documents… Daily we have 500k inserts on these two tables. Writes performance is decreasing along with documents count(if documents are getting increased insertion time also increasing like 2sec, 3 secs, 4 secs…).

My Disk size is 512G, RAM 32G, 16 cores CPU

But there should be other optimization strategies, too did not comes to my mind I would like to hear about!

Which optimization strategy sound most promising or is a mixture of several optimizations is needed here?

I’m having the same issue, running 250 concurrent findOneAndUpdate calls is taking upwards of 3 seconds.