URGENT help needed with Realm sign in

Hello @Rasvan_Andrei_Dumitr :wave:,

Thank you for raising your concern.

Could you confirm if your error is the same as @Ada_Lovelace “illegal base64 data at byte…” . Could you please share the error stack trace and code snippet giving the error?

I look forward to your response.

Cheers, :performing_arts:

Hello @henna.s,

Yes i confirm. All my users are experiencing it.

private fun handleSignInResult(completedTask: Task<GoogleSignInAccount>) {
        showProgressDialog("Autentificare in curs!")
        try {
            if (completedTask.isSuccessful) {
                val account = completedTask.getResult(ApiException::class.java)
                val token = account.idToken
                val email: String? = account?.email
                val firstName = account?.givenName
                val googleCredentials = Credentials.google(token, GoogleAuthType.ID_TOKEN)
                taskApp?.loginAsync(googleCredentials) { it ->
                    if (it.isSuccess) {
                            "Successfully logged in to MongoDB Realm using Google OAuth."
                        Helpers().setLoginSuccesfoul(this, true)

                        //TODO: 1 are limite setate in cont? daca nu are inseamna ca este un user now daca da inseamana ca este un user vechi
                        checkifAccountIsNeeded(email, firstName)

                    } else {
                        onLoginFailed("Nu s-a putut crea contul,${it.error}")
                            "Failed to log in to MongoDB Realm: ", it.error
            } else {
                    "AUTH", "Google Auth failed: "
                            + completedTask.exception.toString()
                onLoginFailed("Google Auth failed:,${completedTask.exception.toString()}")

        } catch (e: ApiException) {
            Log.w("AUTH", "Failed to log in with Google OAuth: " + e.message)
            onLoginFailed("Failed to log in with Google OAuth::,${e.message}")

Best regards,

@Ada_Lovelace did u ever manage make it work?