Urgent attention needed; MDBU sign in page does not work

I am trying to login to MDBU, but the login page is not working.

After entering my one-time code, it would normally log me in and redirect back to the last page I was on

Now it just is a white screen. This might be an issue for all login types, but for me now it is for MDBU.

please check and fix the issue

Also, it does not log me in because if I try to go back to the page I was browsing, I still see no login. (there were times only the redirect was broken, not this time)

Hi @Yilmaz_Durmaz - Would you mind emailing learn@mongodb.com regarding this?

I’ve tested the university link on a few browsers on my own end but was able to get through.


Hi @Jason_Tran

Before doing that, I tried it again. using the “login” page from MDBU is definitely broken. Or it is the login page that is broken if extra parameters are given.

I used the direct link to login page from “Cloud: MongoDB Cloud” link. It has no redirection parameter and it worked. I visited MDBU but did not auto-detect my login. Then I used the sign-in button there, and finally detected login.

Anyways, I will send an email to “Learn” but maybe you too let the login page team know about this incident.


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